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Some personal detail[edit]

Maatjuhhh was born on June 19 1987 (age 21). Born in Eindhoven,The Netherlands and currently living in Groningen,The Netherlands.

Maatjuhhh is a lingered name from the real name. So that's why i show this nickname. I currently stays in Groningen, in my own home, i moved from Eindhoven, the city were i was born. And i'm currently studying last year of my high school and i have plans to learn further in English in the second education if necessary.

I travels much, as I travel once in a month to my parents home to maintain my contact with them. There are more cities that I travel to in a period of a month.

If you're really wondering who I might be, take a peek:

- Very social in my friends network.

- Nicknamed the TV Geek, as i know everything, who's the actor, which movie, which series, which airtime and that stuff.

- Has a younger sister, with one year, five months, six days and eleven hours difference. She looks like a twin sister from me.

- A family man.


To get in contact with Maatjuhhh, apart from Wikipedia, you may email Maatjuhhh at maatjuhhh@hotmail.com


Maatjuhhh loves to play games, read books, watch movies, shopping and more...

Favorite television shows at the moment[edit]

I also watched a lot of television shows in the past, and unfortunately my uttermost favorite shows has ended too early in my opinion, here are these:

Favorite reads[edit]

Favorite reads on Wikipedia[edit]

Anything that contains tv series. Anything