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Well HELLO there, Mark here, nice to meet you!! Such an inquisitive person you are! Obviously, someone that has questions, seeks knowledge and persues understanding. A 'Thinker!' A 'DOER!' An architect of unique view points that are constructed of highly thought-out and refined ideas that make you the best at who you are and what you do!!

Myself? I am a man that 'is' what he does - 'does' what he is and enjoy's doing it every minute of every day... and what's the highlight of my life... ??? I get to do that very same thing for a for a living!! I am personally and thoroughly convinced that all situations, conditions and attitudes can be improved upon and as I live and breathe... I live and breathe Quality Assurance (QA) of one type or another. As an Analyst, Tester, Engineer or Architect on data, telecom or synaptic networks... I've been told that I have one life to live and give. As we each see fit to live and give, I daily seek to live it as quality minded as possible.