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The Church Of Muladianity[edit]

The Church Of Muladianity, which was started in February of 2000, is a religious sect which makes reference to a God whom they call "Muladonna". Muladonna, the entity which the Church worships, is said to be omniscent and all powerful, but his will is also feared and abhorred as he can be easily insulted.

The Muladdins follow a strict set of rules which were supposedly laid down by the prophets of Muladonna; Koldiber & Caradan. These two prophets, while arriving within decades of one another, presented vastly different laws and prophecies. These prophets are said to have worked together to create a tandem "bible" in which the laws are sinuously wound around one another in the form of a tale which tells of foolishness which must not be commited by all Muladdins. Such laws include the forbidding of buying property for personal gain (The Book Of Zapski) and the outlawing of desecration of churches (The Book Of Order). One book, entitled "The Book of Religion" even offers advice on how a religious execution should be conducted, with reference to impure methods.


The Church Of Muladianity has its origins in the mountain regions of Spain. It was in these hills that Muladonna first revealed himself to the prophets and ordered the execution of 14 goats in his honor. Reliable witnesses are hard to find but the prophet Koldiber wrote;

"The Mighty One's (may he gain his will) appearance was startling and his odour mystifying, although no visible weapons were used three people nearby were struck down when they dared mock the exalted one (may he gain his will)".

Following what Muladdins call "The Original Visitation" Muladonna's influence spread across the globe, after his initial message was published by Koldiber. Koldiber then travelled to Estonia and started his own church which had 186 members at last count.

While Koldiber and Caradan agreed on many points, they had a parting of ways in 2002, when Koldiber suggested a mandatory dress code. Caradan opposed this, so he took his most loyal followers with him to Illanois, USA. This is why, in the Muladdin religion, it is common that you will see either Koldib or Carad Muladdins. Much like the many varieties of Christianity and other religions.

Koldib & Carad Muladdins, however, fall under the same general laws as handed down by Muladonna, Koldiber & Caradan are still said to collaborate, though their 'real' (Pre-visitation) names are unknown to the general public. The Muladdin bible, which is called the Anthology of Mulad, is regularly updated by these self proclaimed prophets.

Caradan Muladdins[edit]

As said by Caradan:

"And lo, came the great Muladonna, and looked upon both myself and my companions, and three of them struck dead did he, for it was his whim to do so. (May he gain his will)"

Caradan Muladdins are less zealous than Koldib Muladdins, who enforce a dress code which is detailed in the section entitled "Koldib Muladdins". Caradans still believe in all the teachings of the Mulad, but do not agree with the Koldib method of prayer, nor do they dress as Muladdins. They believe that Muladonna is able to understand their commune without the formal prayer costume and headwear. Contrary to common belief, they do not dislike the Koldib, and often commune together in regular prayer.

Caradans, who believe the theory that Caradan published the most controversial of the Mulad's prophecies, are fiercely loyal to their prophet. While enjoying more freedoms than the Koldib Muladdins, they are usually more taken to praying. with each prayer lasting a full twenty minutes they often lose jobs and miss appointments when stopping to take their daily prayer at 12:00PM exactly. Koldib Muladdins are free to pray at any point in the day.

Koldib Muladdins[edit]

Koldib Muladdins are one of the two sects of Muladianity. Koldib Muladdins are more strict than their peaceful Carad cousins and some have labelled them borderline extremists. They were labeled thus after a controversial decision made during the bi-annual High Council of Muladonna, during the council Koldiber declared Mulad (A kind of holy war) on famers who insulted Muladonna. Caradan disputed this but was eventually turned by a segment of holy script;

"And he did say "You are no real god" but Muladonna looked upon him with terrible scorn and then his clothes did burn and his life was taken (May he gain his will)"

This passage from the holy scripts (Named The Mulad) led to the burning of many clothes and also bridges between Koldiber and Caradan. After this dispute Koldibs and Carads became more distant although never hostile.

The main points of difference between Koldibs and Caradans lie in method of prayer and dress code. Koldibs believe that Muladonna is constantly with them and therefore pray whenever they choose and commonly without speaking. Because of this belief they also follow a strict dress code to avoid insulting Muladonna with their undesirable appearance. Their dress code consists of a black "tirpa" which is a kind of shirt used inly in ceremony by Caradans and a white pair of trousers.