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Vintev Vingers. The Vintec Vingers are a Waikato Institute of technology based touch team, assembled by the 3rd year class of 2017. The inaugrel team originally consisted of 20 players but strict entry regimes saw the team cut down to 16 members. The term Vintec Vingers comes about from the teams acceptance of two international athletes who had flead their homes in India to bear witness to the fresher beaches, hairless women and humane living standards New Zealand has to offer. The mispronounciation of the letter W, often misconstrewed with the letter V from these two athletes provoked team members to adapt the originally named wintec wingers to where it is today. The term "Wingers" (now "Vingers") stem from the inability of the students to make their minds up even after three years of study. Though mispronouciation again saw Wingers, (pronounced as that in stingers) pronounced as Wingers (as in Fingers), and then futrthermore Vingers. Through the culmination of particularity and language detriment the Vintec Vingers were named and are held in high top honours for sportsmanship and immigrant acceptance. The entry process into this team is stringent and many are cast out to play for the Vaikato Uniwersity team.