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User:Marcio Antonio Sens

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Engº Márcio Antônio Sens is Brazilian and from Santa Catarina, he has a degree in Electromechanics from the Federal Technical School of Santa Catarina, in Power Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, and in Safety Engineering from the same University, in addition to a postgraduate degree. degree in electrical materials from COPPE-UFRJ.

Profº Sens started in electro-electronic techniques with correspondence courses at the Instituto Rádio Técnico Monitor, in São Paulo (1966) and in Electronics at the Mecking Technical Schools in California-USA (1968) and dedicated himself to the studies of the behavior of electrical and magnetic materials since July 1969, when he was an intern at Eletromotores Jaraguá, currently WEG, particularly in experimental electrical engineering investigations. He joined CEPEL - Centro de Pesquisas de Energia Elétrica, in February 1976, where he managed research projects and laboratories for 45 years, being the main researcher on electrical and magnetic materials at the aforementioned center, which is the largest of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere. He is also a professor of electrical materials at the Fluminense Federal University, having also taught at the Educational Center of Niterói - RJ and at CEFET - Maracanã, in the postgraduate area.
