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User:Mari Dahle

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== Åshild Dahle ==, born in 1944, is a Norwegian farmer who since the 1970's has worked actively for green values.
Her work has been directed towards children and young people from all over the world. She has invited youngsters to her farm and mountain farm where they have learnt the importance of sustainable development, biodiversity and the conservation of nature through participation in farming.
Åshild Dale has also paid attention to the conservation of cultural landscape and agricultural traditions. Above all she has promoted the traditional mountain farming in her country.
She has had numerous honorary offices in Norway in organizations concerned with political and agricultural aspects, as well as with conservation of the natural landscape.
In addition to have received “The Rachel Carson Prize” in 2003 she has earlier been awarded the international “Prize for Women's Creativity in Rural Life”, and together with her husband, she has got the Norwegian “Seterprisen 2002” (Mountain Farming Prize 2002).