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ROMEO AND JULIET(the whole story) In the late 16th century in Verona, Italy, there lived two brich and powerful families. One family's name was capulet and the other's was Montague. The montagues had a son named ROmeo who was sixteen years old. The capulets had a daughter, Juliet, who was fourteen. These two families hated each other, and so even though Romeo and Juliet lived in the same town, they had never met. One day the caplets had a masquerade party. Romeo and his friends decided to go to the party wearing masks that would hide their identities. After dancing for several hours, Juliet got tired and took off her mask. No sooner had Romeo seen her than he fell in love with her. He managed to speak with Juliet during the evening, but he could not tell her that he was Montague. Juliet had fallen in love with Romeo as well, but was too shy to tell him so. After Romeo had left, Juliet asked her nurse what the young man's name was. When she heard that heven was a Montague, her family's enemy, Juliet was quite sad, she thought that she would never see him again. However, that night Romeo came and waited beneath her window. When Juliet came out on her balcony to look at the stars, Romeo called out her name. At first Juliet was frightened, but when she saw that it was Romeo she was surprised and very happy to see him. Romeo told Juliet of his love. They decided to get married So that they could be together forever. Romeo had a friend, friar Lawrence, who agreed to marry them secretly. As soon as they had got married, Romeo had to got to Mantua. Juliet planned to meet him there after a few days. But, unknown to Juliet, her parents had arranged for her to marry her cousin, a man whom she hated. Juliet could not tell her mother that she and Romeons had got married. But Friar Lawrence had an idea : get would give Juliet drug which would make her appear to be dead. The night before her marriage to her cousin, Juliet took her drug. An hour later, her mother found Juliet lying on her bed. Believing that her daughter was dead, Mrs. Capulet began to weep. The following morning, Juliet was buried in the family's tomb. Friar Lawrence knew that the drug would last for another day, so he decided to take Juliet out of the tomb the next day. Meanwhile another friend of Romeo heard that Juliet had died. He immediately went to Mantua and you'd Romeo the tragic news. When Romeo heard of Juliet's death, he wanted to die too. He left immediately for the Tomb in Verona in order to see Juliet for the last time. He found her in the tomp asleep, but he didn't know that she had taken a drug. Thinking that his love was dead, Romeo took out a bottle of poison, kissed Juliet for three last time, drank the poison and died. Soon, Juliet began to wake up. Athe first she didn't know where she was. Then she remembered that she had taken a drug and that soon Friar Lawrence would open the door of the tomb. Then she saw Romeo and his bottle of poison. Touching his face, she realized that he had just died. Juliet couldn't bear to live without Romeo. So, taking Romeo'seen dagger, she killed herself. When Friar Lawrence came to take Juliet out of the tomb, he discovered the dead lovers. He told the Montagues and the Capulets what had happened to their children. Both families were ashamed, because they knew that their hatred had killed Romeo and Juliet. As a result, the two families agreed to live peacefully. Romeo and Juliet were buried in the same tomb, together forever.