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User:MarkAHershberger/Weekly reports/2011-07-11

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The thumbnail problem
This has been a constant thorn in my flesh over the past week. At first, we thought it would be a problem with the flaky routers. But now that the routers have been replaced, and the problem still occurs. I'll be working with developers to try and reproduce the problem as well as fix it. Though, maybe there is a reliable report from a non-WMF wiki of the same problem.
1.18 deployment blockers
Had it not been for the re-opening of 28613, we would be down to 9 deployment blockers. Other than that one we have these:
Regular deletion of revisions deleted with rev_deleted breaks links in log entries
add normalized info also for unicode normalization of titles
Template weirdness on pl.wiki
JS syntax errors should not affect other modules in a load.php request
Fix inability to remove invalid titles from watchlist (both SpecialWatchlist/edit and SpecialWatchlist/raw)
{{MediaWiki:Enotif}} body needs GENDER support
CheckUser should take over Block::doRetroactiveAutoblock() lookups
Load order of cached request in IE6 messes with dependancy resolving (mediawiki.util not available in time)
Add config var to disable update.php
I'll be going through that list this week to make sure they're all needed for release and being worked on.
Code Review
We're making some progress here, but I'd like to make sure the above bugs are fixed, so this presents a prioritization problem since the same people fixing bugs are often the same as the ones reviewing code. Currently there are a 165 unreviewed commits before the 1.18 branch point and 79 FIXMEs.
After someone asked for bug resolution metrics on wikitech-l it really emphasized a need for this sort of report. I will start figuring something out with this this week.
I finally have a usable HipHop package. I hope to get it submitted to Debian's archive this week.
Applying patches
While trying to apply some patches that came in via Bugzilla, I was roundly spanked for a less than thorough review of the patch I applied. While I would like to get patches applied ASAP, obviously I need to get them reviewed thouroughly before applying them. Go through several rounds of that means a lot more work for me at the moment. Not sure what kind of priority to give this, but getting them reviewed sooner rather than later would be really good.
Fixing UserMailer
After a couple of people asked about UserMailer-related issues in the same week, I did some work on it. I still need to get some work done on it to provide tests and to raise an exception if it doesn't get an email address.

Daily Log

  • Lots of fun today rolling through the 1.18 blockers and finding a someone to handle them and deciding others weren't really issues that should block deployment.
  • Yesterday and today I got updates on the image thumbnailing problems we've been having. During the Ops meeting yesterday Ariel and Mark were able to meld minds around this. It seems it is likely to be the result of some old routers messing with multi-cast traffic. Pinging Mark and CTWoo today got CTWoo to send a message to the router-maker's VP and ask ‘em to hurry up!
  • Second IRC triage today, and it looks like we've got a fair number of newbie developers interested in getting involved. Yay, Sumana!
  • Tried applying patch to get HTTPRequest to respect no_proxy and made the mistake of not thorougly reviewing it.
    • While I understand the developer's frusatration at seeing patches applied w/o being reviewed, I think the quick application of this patch shows a couple of things:
      • The patch submitter was still around and interested when the patch was reviewed
      • Developers only sporadically look at patches in Bugzilla, so submitters are less likely to get speedy feedback.
      • Bz probably could benefit from more hands-on review. I have a whine set up that sends me a list of newly submitted patches. It might be good to get this email broader distribution.
  • Helped a WMDE dev with email
    • Daniel_WMDE was trying to get to go out with the proper envelope sender on outgoing mail. After I tracked down $wgAdditionalMailParams and pointed him to it I noticed there wasn't an equivlent setting for the PEAR mailer used when $wgSMTP is set. I patched it up, but there still might be room for improvement.
  • Helped NikeRabbit with TWN emails and fixed Email notifications being sent out to users without email addresses
    • He contacted me a couple of days ago about emails going from TWN without an actual email address.
    • After looking at the problem, I saw that UserMailer didn't actually check to make sure that it had an email before sending mail. Fixed.
  • Discovered the Joy of Unicode is like the Joy of XML