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Hey! My name is Ryan Marsh and I am a student at UNC Charlotte. I attended high school at Spartanburg Day School located in Spartanburg, South Carolina, where I used to live. I enjoy computers and technology, therefore I am majoring in Computer Science. I haven't determined a minor yet, but my top two choices are Education and Criminal Justice. I plan on working for the Department of Computer Science next year (possibly over the summer) as a teaching assistant for Professor Lehmann.

Currently, I live in Martin Village P-203. I've been assigned to live in Laurel Hall next year with a genius who lived with me last semester, and I can only hope that the other two guys are nice and fit well with my personality.

My Beliefs


I am an atheist. This means I don't believe in a God or an afterlife. I respect those people who do believe, so long as they respect my beliefs too. I really despise it when someone else tries to convert me to another religion.

I like video games, except MMORPGs and First person shooters. I cannot tolerate people who are addicted to video games (more than two hours every day is addiction, in my opinion). If you are one of those people who are addicted, I don't want to talk to you or associate myself with you in any way; I don't need you in my life. The types of game I like are old, retro games for the NES, SNES, and N64. I don't like a whole lot of violence in my video games either, so generally, this limits the video games I play to Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, along with a few others. M rated games generally contain a lot of blood and gore, so I don't usually play any games that have an M rating.

I enjoy silence.

I like time to think and do what I want to do, rather than follow group dynamics. Sure, a circle of friends is nice to have, but I believe groups take away individual choices. I strongly believe in doing what an individual wants to do, rather than feeling pressured to follow group decisions.

I'm a long time Linux user and my distribution of choice is openSuse. I enjoy using Open Source Software. I also have Windows Vista, but only use it when I'm programming windows-only software, although I'm currently in the process of learning some cross-platform APIs.