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Behavioral disinhibition/ Appraisal-inhibition model!!! (as a link to disinhibition page that already exists)

1. The model elaborated by Kees van den Boss and collegues (2009;2011;2013) describes consequences of inhibited and disinhibited behaviour suggesting that disinhibition result in prosocial behaviour like spontaneous helping or rejecting unfair payment.

2. Behavioral Inhibition System and Behavioral Activation System - basic informations

3. Disinhibition Manipulation

Van den Boss and Lind (2013) suggested that it is possible to gain the disinhibition effect by asking three open-ended questions about participants experiences of disinhibited behaviour in the past. They should describe their emotions, action and the situation itself.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess how people react to being dis-inhibited, that is, how people behave when they do not care about what others think of their reactions and what feelings they then experience. To this end, please complete the following three questions: Please briefly describe a situation out of your own life in which you acted without inhibitions. Please briefly describe how you behaved in the situation in which you acted without inhibitions. Please briefly describe the emotions that you experienced when you acted without inhibitions.

In the no-disinhibition condition, participants received the following instruction: The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess how people experience a normal day in their lives, that is, howpeople usually behave on a regular day andwhat feelings they then experience. To this end, please complete the following three questions: Please briefly describe a situation out of your own life in which you acted in a nor-mal way like you do on a regular day. Please briefly describe how you behave when you act in a normal way like you do on a regular day. Please briefly describe the emotions that you experience when you act in a normal way on a regular day.

4. Prosocial behavior as effect of disinhibition

5. New data - unclear