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Hello, my username is Maximus0 from Quezon City, Philippines. I am a big fan of WWE since I was 7 years old then I abandoned watching it when I was 8. I re-watched WWE since WrestleMania XXVII.



My Top 10 Favorite Face Wrestlers

  1. Sheamus
  2. CM Punk
  3. Rey Mysterio
  4. Randy Orton
  5. Big Show
  6. Sin Cara
  7. Zack Ryder
  8. Kofi Kingston
  9. Santino Marella
  10. Evan Bourne

My Top Ten Favorite Heel Wrestler

  1. Chris Jericho
  2. Daniel Bryan
  3. The Miz
  4. Alberto Del Rio
  5. Cody Rhodes
  6. Dolph Ziggler
  7. Hunico
  8. Primo
  9. Epico
  10. Wade Barrett

My favorite WWE themes

  • "Here to Show the World" by Jim Johnston and performed by Downstait (Dolph Ziggler's theme)
  • "Big Epic Thing" by Various Artists (Daniel Bryan's theme)
  • "Smoke and Mirrors V2" by Jim Johnston (Cody Rhodes' theme)
  • "Just Close Your Eyes" by Story of the year (Christian's theme)

"If I am a wrestler, attacks and finishers would be....."

In wrestling

  • Finishing moves
    • Rough Drop (Leaping inverted DDT)
    • Warrior's Way (Over the shoulder back-to-belly piledriver, sometimes from the second rope)
  • Signature moves
    • Double high knee from in the corner to an oncoming opponent
    • Falling clothesline
    • Flying clothesline, sometimes through outside the ring
    • Hip toss, sometimes followed by a cross armbar
    • Knee drop
    • Leg drop bulldog
    • Lifting side slam
    • Lou thesz press
    • Multiple elbow variations
      • Discus elbow smash, sometimes while springboarding to an opponent at the top rope
      • Jumping elbow drop
      • Rebound elbow smash
      • Springboard elbow smash
    • Multiple kick variations
      • Bicycle kick
      • Overhead kick
      • Roundhouse kick
      • Step-up enzuigiri
    • Multiple suplex variations
      • Belly-to-back suplex
      • Bridging non-lifting tiger suplex
      • Bridging / Release German suplex
      • Superplex
    • NDE – Near Death Experience (Hammerlock lifting DDT)
    • Sheer-drop release powerbomb
    • Spear
  • Entrance themes
    • "Big Epic Thing" by Jim Johnston