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Octavia's Butlers Biography




In Octavia's Butler biography they talk about how Octavia Butler was a science fiction writer who was born June 21, 1947, and she passed away at the age of 58, after a severe accident that she had suffered in her Seattle home. During Butlers time as a writer she had written 13 novels. In her younger years she was a only child whose her father was a shoe shine and she was a very awkward tall black girl who was a lesbian. She had a hard time writing and reading but she was known as a very creative and imaginary author during her time. She has won many awards such as the nebula award, Hugo awards, Toch tree award and the lifetime achievement award. Her stories are mixed in with a bunch of sciences to create a weird alien like setting for the basic background. In her stories she talks about how humans are being abused, or they abused, or even experience and she wants people to learn from her stories. She has written many novels such as the 1993 novel Kindred which is based on a twentieth century character who encourages slaves bondage and rape in the past. The protagonist asks you see how easy it is to make slaves. In Butler's readings she challenged you to  have a open mind towards certain things and to be more kind hearted and gentle as a human being. Her target audience that she wanted to message are institutions and religious factors.

Changing Bodies in the Fiction of Octavia Butler : Slaves, Aliens, and Vampires




In this Exert talks about how Octavia Butler uses black female characters as the main protagonists in her main stories such as Book Martha how Martha is sees god as a white male to a black male and a black female. In Amnesty Noah the main protagonist who is also another black female protagonist who tries to bring peace between the the human race and the alien races. Butler uses black females as a way to show that anyone of any race has a choice to choose what they want to do to make a change.



1.)Migration is usually a a result of economic adjustment

2.) Lauren is a central character in parable for several reasons

3.) It is through Laurens observations and opinions about the state of her world and it's gods that she begins to construct earths seed.

Octavia Butler’s ‘Amnesty




Edwards Elisa goes into depth by talking about Octavias Butler short story Amnesty by talking about the human Noah was captured and tortured by aliens and then she was released by the communities. When she was released she was also tortured by her own people but they were relentless, even worst then the aliens. Noah goes and gets some more recruits to work for the communities to find some kind of peace. Noahs meaning in the story means to find balance. That is what Edward Elisa tries to talk about when he mentions Noah in Octavias Butlers story.



1.) Undoubtedly Butlers short story deals with the encounter of the difference.

2.) The actions of the U.S. government is also addressed in the title of the short story.

3.)She concludes that the only reason we are unable to to get along with the aliens who are closes to us is because those aliens are ourselves.

Theorizing Fear: Octavia Butler and the Realist Utopia




In this exert Curtis Claire goes and talks about how Octavia Butler uses her Utopia ideas in her short stories such as Book of Martha, Curtis goes in depth on Book of Martha and talks about Martha was scared of god and he she had to do what he said because she scared. Butler explains how no Martha did what she did because she thought it was the best for human kind. Curtis Claire also goes into detail about Amnesty. He goes and says that how the aliens rule through fair because the humans can not destroy the communities no matter how hard they try. Octavia Butler says that Noah tries to find a middle ground for the aliens and humans can coexist by working for one an another.



1.)  For Martha, the unchangeable condition is the request that God has made of her to do the work of changing humanity.

2.)"Amnesty" exemplifies Butler as a theorist of fear and represents Butler's response to our Hobbesian motivations.

3.)Speech Sounds" and the Parable series are most obvious about the failings of civil society and the state-of-nature setting.

Speech Sounds.




In the short story of Speech sounds the earth has lost all the ability to hear sounds and need other way of communicating. It is hard because many people are illiterate and can not read and they are considered normal people. The left handed people can not hear sounds but they can read, because of there mutation they are shunned out of society, The main character who is a left hander finds two humans who are a regular human who can read and hear sounds. She tries to protect the children from the world, so they can create a new world.



1.) Rye recognized it as a street map, but it did not mean anything to her.

2.)She imitated his gesture, pointing toward the bus with her own left hand, then punching the air with both hands.

3.)It's alright for you to talk to me.

The Book Of Martha




In this short story there is a woman who lives in Seattle Washington on top of a hill and she had a confrontation with God. The confrontation with god was about to make the human race survive because the path that the humans had chosen to go down was not a good one. God was also discussing with Martha the story of Job, Noah, John, so she could come to a conclusion. At first she did not accept what god was asking her to do, and god had said she would have done it anyways. She eventually gave in and thought of putting people in a Utopia, where there would be no more conflict and everyone would be happy.



1.) God kept silent but was so palpably, disturbingly present that even in silence Martha felt rebuked.

2.) If you don't help them they will be destroyed.

3.) As i said life has prepared u for what you want to see.





In the short story of Amnesty there was a girl who was named Noah, and she had been abducted and sold into communities that were run by the alien race "weed". She was captured during the second abduction and was employed during the time she was in the communities. She eventually leaves the communities because the contract she had signed to be employed was expired, and she was captured by the military who also questioned and experimented on her such as the weeds had done on her. Noah tells her story to a group of people about how the weeds had treated her and she felt less then a lab rat. She also said that how the weed were trying to learn more after they had taken over the earth and the people Noah was conversing with had wanted to make a plan to take earth back, but it was to late and was already sold to the employers.



1.):Now its deliberate inattention had more to do with disassociation than with courtesy or privacy."

2.)"She was turned and handled as though she weighed nothing."

3.)"People were not supposed to be punished any longer, but as usual they were."

"Loss of Words: Octavia Butler's 'Speech Sounds'.




n the speech Loss of words:Octavia Butlers "Speech Sounds'. talk about the story and what it is about for other people to understand. The story is about how people who do not have any sound and they have to find other ways to communicate with each other. In the story other people see that as a non- human way of life. People see it as a non human way of life because everyone communicates with sounds instead of other means. There are people that do not know how to communicate with sounds and they use other means such as writing and notes to talk to one another.



"The Dystopian tone or emotion of "Speech sounds" is unified up until the end of the story, which like many short stories has twist or turn about."

"Similar to the use of objects as name symbols, pictures are another attempt to communicate without words in the story."

"Butlers short story starts in medias res."

The evening and the morning and the night




==The story The evening morning and night is about a girl who is slightly crazy and has a messed up passed. The main character's family is crazy to the point where the main character's dad had killed her mom and then committed suicide. The main character had tried to committing suicide but then she was sent to a psychiatric ward because she was deemed crazy. She was emitted to the ward because she could not afford to live with herself. While she was in the psychiatric ward she had met someone that had questioned her about her past, and she did not feel comfortable answering. Eventually she ended up telling him about her parents, her time in the psychiatric ward. The guy that she had met really grew to have deep feelings for her and they ended up getting together and he promised her a better future than what she had.   



"if you work hard enough to at something that doesn't matter you can forget for a while about the things that do."

"they were intent but not on self destruction."

"he turned to face beatrice, his body language let her out."



[4]== Octavia Butler was shy as a child.




In bloodchild the first story was about a animal family that had a visitor who was a friend of the main character's mom stay over and live with them. The visitor would give eggs to the family that would help make the characters in the story live longer then they should. There was an animal in the cage that had a very strong poison that was strong enough to kill someone, so the animal ended up getting out of its cage and attacked someone, after it had almost stung the mother before. They bought in the injured and tried to care for him, but he ended feeling so much pain that he had ended up dying, and also they visitor and the mother had ended up opening the body up from the top of the head to the bottom of the anus. They had sent the main character to go and kill his first big animal with just the knife, at first he was hesitant but then he ended up summing up the courage to go and do it for his mom and the visitor. When he comes back from his hunt he bought back what he was suppose to get while killing the animal. He had ended up seeing all these disgusting worms and other bacteria eating the body and decomposing it, as a result he ended up throwing up. The main character had promised his mother that he would go and protect the other people so nothing would happen like that again.


  • "These eggs prolonged life, prolonged vigor."
  • "I realized i was trembling and that shamed me."
  • "By the time it ate out of Lomas flesh, She would be dead or dying."
  1. ^ Butler, Octavia E. "''Positive Obsession'." Bloodchild and Other Stories. New York : Seven Stories, 2005. 123-136
  2. ^ Butler, O.E. "Birth Of A Writer." Essence (Essence) 20.1 (1989): 74. Academic Search Complete. Web. 9 Sept. 2016.
  3. ^ Fox, Margalit (2006-03-01). "Octavia E. Butler, Science Fiction Writer, Dies at 58". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2016-09-09.
  4. ^ Butler, Octavia E. "''Positive Obsession'." Bloodchild and Other Stories. New York : Seven Stories, 2005. 123-136