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Born Daniel Jason Porter on the 28th February, 1991. Scarborough hospital.


MC Porter is an experimental rap artist from the town of Bridlington, on the east coast of England. He has been known to many as an 'offensive' and 'controversial' person and is said to be prone to violence, drugs & alcohol and crime. Close friends regard Porter as a 'charming' and 'humorous' man, although the press and many people known to Porter are yet to confirm this.

Growing up

The town of Bridlington was never the best place to grow up for kids, being a retirement town, full of anger and hate and old age pensioners. Danny was brought up in a council house on the outskirts of the main town, he was said to be a very normal child with no learning difficulties. When his parents split at the age of 8, this never phased him. He attended Burlington School in Bridlington.

Teenage years

In 2002, Porter was set to make his last step as a child and join Headlands School in Bridlington. Little did anyone know this was to start a charge of rebellion.

Year 7 & 8 were fine for Danny. It was year 9 that started off the change in behaviour. One night during a German exchange trip that he was on, he drank a large amount of cider and was said to be spitting at and kicking tourists near the beach. The police arrived accordingly but could not prove anything and Danny got away without punishment. Although there are no stories that 100% prove he did.

People started noticing a change in Porters behaviour and started asking questions, it was assumed Danny was involved in a range of drug activity such as Crack Cocaine and Heroin, but was found later this was Cannabis, Amphetamine, Ecstasy, Ketamine, Steroids, Cocaine, Morphine, LSD, Magic Mushrooms, Amyl Nitrates and solvent abuse, named by Porter as 'Buzzer'. This was all mixed with lethal amounts of Alcohol.

In 2005, Danny was arrested for the Possession of a Class C Substance near his school, he was quoted as saying 'Its alright i only got cautioned anyway'

In 2006 Porters behaviour was said to have deteriorated, and was now into bad stages of alcoholism and wanted to get out of Bridlington because he was 'f****ng sick of the town and the w*****s in it', 2 weeks later he was arrested for holding a knife to a police officer and attempting to headbutt him. Danny was found with large amounts of ecstasy and alcohol in his system, he was ordered on a 3 month drug councelling course.

In late 2006 Porter was arrested again for breaching the peace after him and 4 other friends; Reece Wilde, Joe Beedle, Lee Harrison and Mark Seggie were said to have walked down to the police station and repeatedly screamed and shouted until the police came out, then Porter continued to swear and spit and was inevitably arrested.