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User:Mechanical experts

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Mechanical corner bumpers risk: the main components from the movement, including movement caused by the transmission shaft and the extrusion, cut, or twisted into such danger. Recommend the use of fixed or mobile guard to prevent persons approaching the danger zone,

Injection molding machine should consider several points: 1 Component Requirements: with security-related control circuit in the design, selection and assembly of components to use technology is mature, that similar applications have been widely and successfully used, or in accordance with reliable security standard manufactured components, and the use of mature technology. Safety control circuit to be able to withstand the expected run strength, to withstand during operation and the impact of work related to the external media environment. Sophisticated use of technology per device hydraulic grab pieces of similar applications that have been widely and successfully used, or the safety standards of manufacture according to reliable components, and the use of mature technology. In the design of the circuit, the work should be extremely safe and reliable components, these components can not consider the possibility of failure itself. Meanwhile, in order to avoid short circuit, to reduce the incidence of failure, to determine the type of failure, failure to accurately detect and prevent the occurrence of secondary failure, can be used such as: isolation circuit, the full carrying capacity, when the case of power failure time open, Good grounding and other measures. 2 Stop the machine safety requirements: equipment for security, the core is to make the equipment dangerous actions stopped, how to stop machines from running down it is very important. Depending on the security device will be different, have different safety stop function. In normal operation the stop function, must be able to avoid the equipment, products and processes to be destroyed, while machinery and equipment to be able to prevent the re-start, which is required for the safety stop function. Provides three stop categories: a: machinery and equipment by immediately cutting off the power supply to achieve the stop, that is, stop out of control. b: a controlled stop, the supply of power machinery and equipment remained the implementing agencies, to make the equipment gradually stopped. A complete stop only when the equipment was only after the power cut off. c: a controlled stop, the supply of power to drive machinery and equipment has been maintained. The right to stop category selection, must be based on machinery and equipment carried on the basis of risk analysis, All machines Whole Body Vibration machine devices must have a stop function to stop category. Stop category b and / or c of the stop function only in the machinery and equipment, safety and functional requirements can be used when necessary. 3-hand control device for use: In many high risk equipment, such as forging equipment, punching equipment, will use the hand control device. Hand control device is power-sensitive safety device, its role is when someone in the operating equipment, machinery and equipment to dangerous operation of a signal, forcing them to use both hands, which must stay in one place, so you can ensure safety. 4 safe distance from the solution: A safety door switch can lock, power-sensitive safety devices, safety mats and hand controller to achieve B in the security equipment, in addition to safe and reliable protection components, but very dangerous for the equipment, but also its security control circuit to make certain requirements in order to improve the level of security protection, such as: security Monitor Module 5 Security carpet machinery and equipment used in security, some places can not use the security fence and security gate to protect the safety of hazardous areas, such as in a number of large-scale injection molding machinery, metallurgical machinery, often need to be inside the machine maintenance and adjustment, then the need to ensure that the external can not start the machine, in which case obviously can not use the security gate. In addition, some need and can use the security gate where, for convenience and aesthetic considerations, there may be reluctance to use the security gate. In both cases, in order to realize the danger zone of security, you can use the contact safety protection device. In this type of security protection high frequency welding machine, security is a very unique carpet, is also widely used one.