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MegaSpy is obviously the best person in the world, he is absolutely amazing and brilliant, he is EPIC.

Just kidding.

Now why am I talking about myself in third person? After all this is my Wikipedia page.

And this is all about me.

Wait, why are you reading this?

OK, well, welcome to my article (note that this article is more bytes than any of the edits that I made on Wikipedia added up, and doubled)

Wikipedia 'n' stuff[edit]

After all this is a Wikipedia page, so why not have some of my contributions to Wikipedia here? I mostly make only small changes to correct mistakes or add in some extra information, that is why most of my edits are minor edits. I prefer to use the Wikipedia visual editor because it is much more simple and doesn't hurt my head, for a full list of contributions click this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/MegaSpy

About me[edit]

Here is the most boring part of this article, about me. But no-one cares about my life, and I'm not a social networker (I use Google+ and I don't have a Facebook account) so here it is in a nutshell:

I want to become rich from owning a massive software/hardware company, currently I haven't succeeded in that ;( and my YouTube account doesn't have any thing to do with some games that I made, however I am currently working on a game called "The Modification Game", my YouTube account only has some Minecraft animations I made in my free time.