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The Dot[edit]


Dating back around the 1980's, people have experienced a strange phenomenon stalking them. The Dot has been known to be attracted to the people they stalk and become attached to their "host". From most reports The Dot is harmless. Other reports have explained that the dot is capable of burning wood and popping balloons. Red is the most common Dot people see, Blue and Violet are rare but tend to show themselves more. Green is a very rare color and is capable of manipulating the objects around them, making them the most dangerous of the color types. The Dot even sometimes shows up in groups called "Dot Clusters", but the most dangerous cluster is a one with all Green Dots since they are the most hostile. Dot Clusters are usually three to five Dots, but there have been rare cases involving seven to ten. Small Dot Clusters can have up to three to five Dots and large Dot Clusters can have up to ten Dots.

History and Origins[edit]

The Red Dots made their appearances in the late 1980's, however, evidence supports that the Dots have been around since Ancient Eygpt. The Laser Pointer was created in 1977, but did not become a nation wide product until the late 1980's. Many witnesses were ridiculed because of the Dot's resemblance to the Laser Pointer. It was not until March 30, 1981 in Portales, New Mexico when a local pizza delivery boy, Frank McKenzie, encountered The Dot. He was in the shower at his home when the Red Dot appeared on his shower wall. "There were no windows and no possible way that someone with a laser pointer could have done this." he told a reporter later after the sighting. But this encounter was overshadowed by the assassination attempt on President Reagan. Many other reports were made following the the 1990's. Some paranormal investigators believe that the Dots have been here on all this time but did not want to reveal themselves until some type of look alike was introduced. As laser pointers developed new colors, similar color Dots began to appear as well. Many archaeologists have found what appears to be Red Dots shown back in early Egyptian times. The Dots may have a link to extraterrestrial beings as most of the paranomal findings were overruled the the Paranormal Society and marked as just extraterrestrial.


Major Sightings by State[edit]


November 14, 2003 Shaftner, California

July 7, 2006 Lodi, California

May 3, 2011 Stratford, California

New Mexico

March 30, 1981 Portales, New Mexico (*First major sighting)

June 19, 2001 unknown area


February 10, 2009 Provo, Utah

Other Sightings[edit]

1980-1989: 126 confirmed sightings

1990-1999: 112 confirmed sightings

2000-present: 178 confirmed sightings