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I intend to work on this article and translate it a little bit at a time, so I'm putting it in my sandbox as an experiment. If anyone thinks I shouldn't do this, let me know.

Ancient Roman sarcophagi were the often richly-carved sarcophagi used for inhumation of the dead by the ancient Romans. In Rome the use of sarcophagi had only a few precedents in the Republican era (when cremation was more widespread) and mainly spread from the early 2nd century, when cremation was abandoned in favour of burial as the majority burial practice.



1st and 2nd centuries


Spread in the 2nd century




3rd century


Hunting scenes


Era of the tetrarchs




The Severi to the Tetrachs


The Tetrarchs to Constantine




360 to late 4th century





  • (in Italian) Becati G., L'arte dell'età classica, Firenze 1989 (VI edizione)
  • (in Italian) Bianchi Bandinelli R., Roma. La fine dell'arte antica, Milano 1988 (IV edizione)
  • (in Italian) Giuliano A., Il commercio dei sarcofagi attici, Roma 1962
  • (in Italian) Matz F., voce "Sarcofago" in Enciclopedia dell'Arte Antica, Classica e Orientale, vol. VII
  • (in Italian) Robert C., Die Antiken Sarkophag-Reliefs, Berlin 1890-1919
  • (in Italian) Testini P., Le catacombe e gli antichi cimiteri di Roma, Bari 1980
  • (in Italian) Vaccaro Melucco A., "Sarcofagi romani di caccia al leone", in Studo Miscellanei 11 (A.A. 1963-1964)
  • (in Italian) Valenti Zucchini G.-Bucci M., "I sarcofagi a figure e a carattere simbolico", in Corpus della scultura paleocristiana, bizantina e altomedievale di Ravenna, vol. II, Roma 1968