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Mgt88drcr is a qualified accountant and graduate of a master degree program in professional accounting. On 28 November 2013, I was invited to join the Wikipedia:WikiProject Business/Accountancy Taskforce. The taskforce covers all aspects of accountancy include:

  • financial and non-financial
  • numerical and non-numerical
  • manual basis or computerized / automated environment

After searching and reviewing some of articles, knowing that there are lacking of articles in relation to the historical development and current issues of consolidated financial statements, so my articles editing will be covered these areas.


  • Walker, R. G. Consolidated Statements. New York: Arno Press, 1978.
  • J.R. Edwards and K.M. Webb, The development of group accounting in the united kingdom to 1933
  • The Process of Accounting Innovation: The Publication of Consolidated Accounts in Britain in 1910
  • Eri Kanamori, The Development of Group Accounting in United Kingdom: The Essential Contribution of F.R.M. de Paula
  • The Evolution of Consolidated Financial Reporting in Australia
  • R G Walker, Consolidated Statements: a History and Analysis, The University of Sydney
  • Didier Bensadon, Beginnings of financial reporting and premises of consolidation of accounts in the French aluminium industry, 1921-1939.
  • Stephen A.Zeff, Insights from Accounting History

Accounting practices


Business combination and restructuring


Merger accounting


Acquisition accounting


Consolidation methods



  • Consolidation, EY
  1. Financial Reporting Developments - Consolidated and other financial statements: Noncontrolling interests, combined financial statements, parent company financial statements and consolidating financial statements
  2. Financial Reporting Developments - Consolidation and the Variable Interest Model: Determination of a controlling financial interest
  3. Practical matters for the c-suite - To consolidate or not to consolidate - that is the question
  4. Comment Letter - Consolidation: Principal vs. agent analysis
  • Evidence of the effect of alternative consolidaiton accounting techniques on the finnancial decisions of users
  • The Reporting Entity and Consolidated Financail Statements

Full consolidation method


Minority interest


Proportional accounting


Equity accounting

  • Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards — HKICPA issues new standards on consolidation, joint ventures and disclosures 2011

Change in group structure


Management structure


Foreign currency translation

  • Robert G. Ruland and Timothy S. Doupnik, Foreign Currency Translation and the Behavior of Exchange Rates
  • IFRS, Module 30 – Foreign Currency Translation
  • Konrad W. Kubin, Accounting For Foreign Currency Translation: Current Problems In Historical Perspective
  • Foriegn currency translation: New accounting standards in Australia
  • Foreign currency matters - Ernst & Young

Type of currencies/amounts


Transaction currency/amount


Functional currency/amount


Presentation currency/amount


Exchange rate types


Closing rate


Average rate


Historical rate


Composite rate


Foreign currency translation methods


Current/noncurrent method


Monetary/nonmonetary method


Temporal method


Current rate method




GAAP adjustments






Japan GAAP






Elimination adjustments


Investment account elimination


Inter-company sales and purchases


Inter-company trade and non-trade balance


Unrealized profits/(losses)


Loans and advances




Account reconciliation


Current regulatory framework

  • Consolidated Financial Statements - HKIFRS 10
  • Conceptual framework for financial reporting
  • Interpretation 18: Consolidation and Equity Method - Potential Voting Rights and Allocation of Ownership Interests

Issues and debates

  • GUO Qin1 ,YUAN Xueying2, The Goodwill Issue in the Consolidation Accounting
  • Current issues in consolidation policy in wake of Enron
  • Consolidated Financial Statements Major Changes Coming!
  • Surprise - New Consolidation Rule May Affect Private Equity

Different industrial sectors

  • Syntax of consolidated financial statements: the impact on credit-manager's decision making
  • Applying the consolidation model to fund managers

Audit and assurance

  • Group audit issues

Process management and automation

  • William C. Sasso, Architectures for Financial Consolidation: A Comparative Study
  • Financial Reporting and Consolidation - G-Global
  • Deloitte, Financial close, consolidation and reporting
  • Emma Snider, Four tips for faster financial consolidation
  • The Top 10 Consolidation and Reporting Pitfalls and How To Avoid Them
  • Renewing your Close, Consolidate, Report Process for Performance Insight and Impact
  • Consolidation Software Is a Key to Faster Closing
  • Financial System Considerations in IFRS Conversion Projects
  • Top 10 Findings From Gartner's Financial Executives International CFO Technology Study

Manual vs computerization


Computerization vs automation


Finance computing framework


Stage 1: Data collection

  • Data extraction from internal/external database
  • Data extraction from Excel workbook
  • Data validation and authorization
  • Data version control

Stage 2: Data transformation

  • Standardization of non-standardized data
  • Generation of validation list
  • Data posting with rewriting posted data

Stage 3: Data storage

  • Data posting control maintenance
  • Updating master data
  • Scheduled refresh datacube

Stage 4: Reporting

  • On-demand reporting
  • Scheduled analytical alert

Multiway model


Level 1 automation: Aggregation


A simplex form of aggregation is 1+1=2 by using calculator. However, aggregation is not limit to this sum function. It also includes average, count, maximum, minimum as etc. The preparation of consolidated financial statements is most frequent use the sum function to aggregate financial data for a group of companies.

The scope of aggregation is mainly to aggregate homogeneous group of data (i.e. standardized data) despite it may involve a large number data files and records when these data files contain many reporting dimensions such as ledger code, voucher date, accounting period, account code, project code, department code, business unit code contracting party code, quantity, unit code, unit price, original amount, currency code, exchange rate, equivalent amount etc.

All possible combination aggregation results can very significant. However, certain combination aggregation results can be relevant for management decision such as profit and loss for each business unit across different accounting period and other aggregation results can be relevant for statutory audit such as consolidated trial balance of a group with breakdown by companies.

  • Aggregation for different scenarios
    • Management: Budget, actual, project and forecast
    • Statutory: Actual local GAAP, Actual IFRS
  • Aggregation performance
    • Number of dimensions
    • Number of records

Level 2 automation: Versioning

  • Version control for audit trial purpose
  • Version control for reporting purpose

Level 3 automation: Elimination

  • Across different dimensions (Legal entity, business unit, geographical region, time)
  • Across different transaction natures (Investing, operating and financing)

Level 4 automation: Standardization

  • Differing transaction and reporting currencies
  • Differing convertibility of currencies
  • Differing sovereign credit ratings
  • Differing units of measurements
  • Differing time zones and geographical locations
  • Differing regulatory environments
  • Differing date and amount formats
  • Differing year end dates
  • Differing accounting systems
  • Differing data and master file formats
  • Differing accounting policies and practices
    • Differing measurement and recognition
      • Differing allocation
      • Differing amortization and depreciation
    • Differing disclosure and presentation
  • Differing account codes and other dimensional codes

Level 5 automation: Tagging


Tagging is everyday life you may use, for example, tagging of mp3 files with multiple registration of tags, tagging of photos associated with your friends.

In addition, tagging is widely use for document management system in order to support efficient searching of required documents based on selected criteria of tags.

For the purpose of preparation of consolidated financial statements, there are two main kinds of tagging:

  • Tagging of each multiway processing base on system-defined tags
e.g. these system-defined tags including user, processing date, multiway system, status, data source
  • Tagging of master records base on user-defined characteristics of master records
e.g. to reclassify a large number of  master records including product codes, account codes, staff code, customer code
  • Tagging of transactions base on user-defined characteristics of data source
e.g. any string with "loss", "worst" and etc. as included in transactions can be tagged as pre-defined analysis code attributed to specific dimension.

An effective tagging implementation can enrich and simplify the preparation of consolidated financial statements when management demand to analyze the group performance by different dimensions.

Level 6 automation: Alert

  • Traditional process base alert (e.g. completed processing, error triggered)
  • User-defined analytical alert

Technological development


Internet vs world wide web


Desktop vs mobile


Data center vs cloud


Software selection and implementation


Eternal triangle

  • Software developer
  • Implementation consultant
  • User

Information asymmetry


Education and training

  • Risk reporting and analysis
  • CIMA Paper


  • Financial Systems Consolidations Manager
  • Financial Consolidation


  • Victor-Octavian Müller, Developments and enquiries in the field of consolidated financial statements
  • Robert Parker and Christopher Nobes
  • Encyclopedia of Credit
  • Business Combinations and Consolidated Statements Bibliography
  • Frank Clarke, Geaeme Dean and Kyle Oliver, Corporate collapse, Accounting, Regulatory and Ethical Failure
  • The STRENGTH MATTERS™ CFO Working Group
  • Economic Analysis of Financial Regulation
  • International Managerial Finance
  • The Introduction of Accounting Principles for Consolidated Financial Statements in Japan
  • Paul Taylor, Consolidated Financial Reporting