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Hello class my name is Mike Goodwin and I currently teacher U.S. History and Government at Taft Union High School (2 hours north of Los Angels). I am happily married to my wife Jennifer and have two wonderful boys Davis (7.5 years old) and Bryce (4 years old). I love spending time with my family and participating in all type of outdoor activities. Besides teaching at TUHS I also coach varsity football and am the boy’s head golf coach. Coaching two sports and having two high energy boys keeps me extremely busy most of the time. I am also a huge Notre Dame Football fan.

After graduating from TUHS way back in 1991 I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Being from a community rooted deeply in the oil industry I thought I would make a very good living in the oil fields. After my first summer I realized that working in the 105 degree heat during the summer was not for me. That Fall I enrolled in Taft Community College with still no clear cut plan for a future. While taking classes I had a history teacher who made his class incredibly fun. He always seemed to be having a good time and you could see he had a love for his job. I decided then I would become a history teacher. After graduating TC I enrolled in Cal. State, Bakersfield where I received my BA in Social Science. I also earned a Social Science and Special Education M/M teaching credential from CSUB.

This will be the end of my 14th year of teaching at TUHS. I spent my first 8 years teaching Special Day Class. Teaching special education was very interested and rewarding. I gained a tremendous amount of knowledge about the teaching profession in the special education classroom. However, my true passion for teaching is in social science. I enjoy each and every day in the classroom. Currently three of the five classes I teach are in an Oil Technology Academy. This academy is designed to get student interested in both college and the oil industry.

The leader in my educational career has led by example. He is the current social science department chair and is an all-around great guy. Way back when I was in the credentialing program I observed this teacher and thought “WOW”. Now working with him I feel extremely fortunate to have him leading our department. He is a very honest and sincere man. He would never ask you to do something that he was not willing to do himself. He also constantly asks for input and suggestions never wanting to micromanage the department. He makes each member of the department feel important and needed.