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First Part of Assignment: Birth Control and the use of contraceptions is a highly controversial topic in todays politics and one that interests me very much especially when it comes to a women's views on the topic when attempting to run for president or hold a powerful government position. For this assignment I would consider the following 3 articles because being pro-choice myself I think it is interesting when some light is shed on this topic. For instance should the government have any say in a women's choice to use contraceptives? Or is regulating the use of contraceptives merely just another way for the government to control women and their choices and freedoms.

1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/07/michele-bachmann-obama-contraception-mandate_n_1327781.html

2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birth_control_in_the_United_States

3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Bachmann#Political_positions

After improving the existing article on Republican Michele Bachmann, specifically the section titled “Pro-Life Position” under the section of “Political Positions” on her current Wikipedia page, the article will have more than the one paragraph it currently has and will discuss examples on the specific issues surrounding the use of contraceptives such as pro life v. pro choice, her view on mandatory HPV vaccines, “Obamacare” the role of government in our day to day lives and on controversial topics , etc all as related to her political and religious beliefs . See Below


Michele Bachmann as a political leader and representative would claim that her political and religious views are kept separate. On the topic of contraceptives and politics on the other hand one can identify Michele Bachmann as a conservative by taking a look at her pro-life stance as well as her standings on other contraceptive related topics such as health care, birth control, and vaccinations.

" Bachmann has identified herself as pro-life and has been endorsed in her runs for Congress by the Susan B. Anthony List and Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life.[185] At a debate among presidential candidates in New Hampshire, when asked if abortion should be allowed in cases of rape or incest, Bachmann responded that she is "100 per cent pro-life".[186] In the state senate, Bachmann introduced a bill proposing a constitutional amendment restricting state funds for abortion. The bill died in committee.[187]"

Bachmann's pro-life views has also contributed to shaping her beliefs against "Obamacare" stating that Obama's new contraception mandate, which Bachmann views as telling "insurance companies, 'You must offer the morning-after abortion pill, you must offer sterilizations, you must offer contraceptives free to the recipients of those products, because we tell you to'" will only lead to the government eventually having the ability to limit and limiting the number of household births in the United States as well. Bachmann goes on to say that the President "wouldn't necessarily make the order but claimed there was nothing that limited him from doing it." [213]

Bachmann is a strong believer in “small government” relating the governments role in our day to day life to almost controlling. She uses the example of mandatory vaccines such as the HPV vaccine and how extremely dangerous for the general public they are in her opinion. She uses this example because she believes that the vaccine will only encourage sexual activity which she uses for illustrating how dangerous the world becomes when we let the government make decisions for us, in her opinion.

(Michellesalim (talk) 21:14, 3 July 2012 (UTC))