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User:Mike Cline/USCAN Working Group Drafts/Phase I Task Forces/Working Group Communications Process/Wikipedia Education Working Group - Communications Processes

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Article I - Authority


These procedures deal with the communications processes of the U.S.-Canada Education Working Group (“Working Group”) and is therefore germane to the Desired Effect of the Working Group Communications Process Task Force. The communication methods established in this document will be considered “Approved Communication Methods” for the purposes of the Working Group Rules for Procedure (“Rules”).

Article II - Infrastructure


Section 1 - Task Forces


As established in Article IV, Section 8 of the Rules, Task Forces must maintain a Wikipedia page linked to the Working Group Wikipedia page.

Section 2 - Working Group


The Facilitator will create a “Proposals” tab (“Proposals Dashboard”) on the Working Group Wikipedia page. The Proposals Dashboard will list all Task Force recommendations currently being considered by the Working Group. The list will provide links to the Task Force Wikipedia pages where the proposals are posted, detail any deadlines for consideration, and provide a space for Working Group Members to record votes.

Article III - Communication Methods


Section 1 - Task Forces


Task Forces should, as much as possible, use voice-based communication methods to deliberate and make decisions. If necessary, text-based communication methods such as email, Wikipedia, GoogleDocs, and IRC may be used.

Google Group email policy


When submitting a proposal to the Google Group or your task force, please include the subject: Action Requested: and a deadline for contributions.

Section 2 - Working Group


The Working Group Members, Sponsor, Facilitator and Advisors may use the US/Canada Education Program Working Group Google Group (“Google Group”) to communicate with the Working Group for matters of general interest. Every effort should be made to only use the Google Group for matters of interest to the whole Working Group.

Other Approved Communication Methods are telephone, Skype, Wikipedia, GoogleDocs, and IRC, which may be used in the circumstances described in Article IV and Article V.

Article IV - Communication Procedure for Proposals


Section 1 - Feedback and Debate


When requesting feedback from the Working Group or making a final recommendation, the Task Force Leader, or a designee, will contact the Working Group Members through the Google Group. The message will provide a link to the Task Force’s Wikipedia page where the proposal is posted as well as a deadline for offering feedback. Feedback, debate, and similar discussions should take place on the Talk Page of the proposal being considered.

Section 2 - Amendments


A Working Group Member wishing to amend a proposal that has been recommended by a Task Force must provide a copy of the amendment to the Working Group through the Google Group. The email must also include a link to the Talk Page for that proposal. Feedback, debate, and similar discussions on the amendment should take place on the Talk Page of the proposal being considered.

If a vote is requested for an amendment, the Working Group Member offering the amendment will provide notice of the vote through the Google Group. Votes will be tallied on the Talk Page for the proposal under consideration.

Section 3 - Final Passage


After the minimum proposal review period established in Article V of the Rules, the Facilitator will provide 3 days advance notice through the Google Group of his intention to close debate and schedule a vote. Once the debate period has concluded, Working Group Members will have 3 days to record their votes on the Proposals Dashboard. At the conclusion of the voting period the Facilitator will report the results of the vote to the Working Group via the Google Group.

Article V - Other Communication Procedures


Section 1 - Adding or Discharging a Working Group Member


A Working Group Member offering a resolution pursuant to Article II of the Rules will provide notice of the resolution through the Google Group. Debate and voting on the resolution will occur through the Google Group. At the conclusion of the voting period the Facilitator will report the results of the vote to the Working Group via the Google Group.

Section 2 - Creating, Dissolving, Or Consolidating Task Forces


A Working Group Member offering a resolution pursuant to Article IV of the Rules will provide notice of the resolution through the Google Group. Debate and voting on the resolution will occur through the Google Group. At the conclusion of the voting period the Facilitator will report the results of the vote to the Working Group via the Google Group.

Article VI - External Communication


Task Forces responsible for external communication with the Wikipedia community, Wikipedia chapters, professors in the Education Program, Wikipedia Ambassadors, and WikiProjects will use whatever communication methods the Task Forces deem appropriate to keep important stakeholders informed of Working Group activities and solicit feedback.

Article VII - Amending These Procedures


Working Group Members may propose amendments to these procedures pursuant to Article VI of the Rules.