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User:Mike Dillon/List of California state agencies

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Executive branch

  • Governor (list)
    • Chief of Staff
      • Office of Homeland Security
        • Office of Emergency Services
      • Office of Administrative Law
      • Medical Assistance Commission
      • Department of Personnel Administration
      • Office of Planning and Research
      • California Service Corps
    • Arts Council
    • Office of the Inspector General
    • Military Department
    • State Public Defender
    • (Secretary of) Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency
    • (Secretary of) Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
      • Adult Operations Division
      • Adult Programs Division
      • Board of Parole Hearings
      • Corrections Standards Authority
      • Juvenile Justice Division
      • State Commission on Juvenile Justice
    • Secretary of Education
    • (Secretary of) Environmental Protection Agency
    • Department of Finance
    • Department of Food and Agriculture
    • (Secretary of) Health and Human Services Agency
      • Department of Aging
      • Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
      • Department of Child Support
      • Department of Community Services and Development
      • Department of Developmental Services
      • Emergency Medical Services Authority
      • Department of Health Services
      • Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board
      • Department of Mental Health
      • Department of Rehabilitation
      • Department of Social Services
      • Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
    • (Secretary of) Labor and Workforce Development Agency
      • Agricultural Labor Relations Board
      • Employment Development Department
      • Department of Industrial Relations
      • Workforce Investment Board
    • (Secretary of) Resources Agency
      • California Bay-Delta Authority
      • Department of Boating and Waterways
      • California Coastal Commission
      • California Costal Conservancy
      • California Tahoe Conservancy
      • Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
      • Colorado River Board of California
      • Department of Conservation
        • Division of Recycling
        • Division of Land Resource Protection
        • California Geological Survey
        • Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources
        • Office of Mine Reclamation
        • State Mining and Geology Board
      • California Conservation Corps
      • California Energy Commission
      • Department of Fish and Game
      • Department of Forestry and Fire Prevention
      • Department of Parks and Recreation
      • Department of Water Resources
    • (Secretary of) State and Consumer Services Agency
      • California African American Museum
      • Building Standards Commission
      • Department of Consumer Affairs
      • Department of Fair Employment and Housing
      • Fair Employment and Housing Commission
      • Franchise Tax Board
      • Department of General Services
      • Office of the Insurance Advisor
      • State Personnel Board
      • Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS)
      • Teachers' Retirement System
      • California Science Center
      • Department of Technology Services
    • Department of Veterans Affairs
  • State Superintendent of Public Education
    • California Department of Education
  • Insurance Commissioner
  • Secretary of State
  • Lieutenant Governor
  • State Controller
  • State Treasurer
  • State Board of Equalization
  • Attorney General (list)
  • Board of Governors, Community Colleges
  • California State Board of Education
  • California Postsecondary Education Commission
  • Student Aid Commission
  • Trustees of State Universities
  • University of California Board of Regents
  • Fair Political Practices Commission
  • California Gambling Control Commission
  • State Lands Commission
  • California Lottery Commission
  • Public Employment Relations Board
  • Public Utilities Commission
  • California Transportation Commission

See also


List of State of California agencies, departments, and commissions


Executive branch