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User:MiraReader/The Meadow of Saint Anne, Budapest, Hungary

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Coordinates: n. l. 47° 30′ 24″, e. l. 18° 57′ 43″

The Chapel of Saint Anne

Budapest's Szent Anna-rét is one of the most popular hiking spots in the Buda Mountains;

From Normafa and 1000-1200 meters from the upper station of the cable car. It can be reached directly from the Gyermekvasút Virágvölgy railway station.

Budapest's Szent Anna-rét is a popular excursion spot for Budapest children in both winter and summer. In the 70s, there were even two ski lifts on the meadow facing the city. Nowadays, cross-country skiers stand on the flatter parts, while sledders stand on the steeper parts on the side of St. Anne's Chapel.

In the upper part of the meadow, Pilisi Parkerdő Zrt. created a playground with wooden toys. Kindergarten groups are constantly seen here, brought to the airy playground by separate buses. Several fireplaces and a pressure well near the St. Anne's Chapel tempt hikers to cook on an open fire and grill.

The Chapel of Saint Anne


Since the 18th century, Budapest's Szent Anna-rét has been a popular excursion destination for the grape-growing population of Budakes. Between 1825-1830, the chapel was built on the edge of the meadow in honor of St. Anne. The chapel soon gained great popularity: on Anna days, pilgrims from Budakeszi and the monastery and school of the English ladies in Zugliget were led here.

On the initiative of the nuns, a monumental row of chestnut trees was planted with the help of female students from the convent and school of the English nuns. Following the Zugligeti road and the Disznófői road, touching the Disznófő spring, this line of trees connects the entire length of the monastery with the chapel. Some parts of the tree line can still be seen here and there along the Zugligeti road and near the St. Anne's chapel. The section along Dizznófő út. XII. it was cut by the district municipality in 2009. Unfortunately, his replacement was only provided for a very short time. In the wooded part, the outlines of some of the remaining copies of the former row of trees are still clearly visible on Google Maps satellite images, thanks to the different color of the chestnut tree's canopy.

Memorial plaque of the Queen of the World Atonement Chapel
The "Deer well"

Mass was held in the chapel on Sunday mornings after the Second World War, until it was demolished around 1952-53 after a labor movement rally. After the regime change, in 1992, for the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Budapest-Zugliget Association, the Salamin family built the small chapel that can be seen on the meadow today.

Queen of the World Atonement Chapel


Next to the St. Anne's Chapel, a plaque indicates that in 1944 the foundation stone of another chapel, the Queen of the World Atonement Chapel, was also laid nearby. The foundations of this chapel can still be found 60-70 meters north of the former chapel, under the cover of a group of trees. In 1942, the administration of the capital donated the area of ​​the northern part of Anna-rét for the construction of the World Queen's Atonement Chapel, and two years later Cardinal Júsztinián Serédi approved the construction of the chapel. Construction began on December 8, 1944, but apart from some parts of the foundation, nothing was built. In Section 26 (2) of the Constitution of the Knights of the Holy Crown, the aims of the order include the construction and reconstruction of the Chapel of the Queen of the World in Anna-rét. 1443/2013. (VII.16.) The government decision stipulates the preparation of the construction of the chapel of atonement together with other buildings as part of the Normafa Park investment, as well as the preparation of the necessary study plans.

Following a fundraising campaign, the construction of a new chapel began in 2023 on St. Anne's Meadow - just a few minutes' walk from the city - based on plans that fit the building better into the natural environment and comply with nature conservation regulations. the current St. Anne's Chapel.

The handover of the building was planned for October 5, 2023, but due to various, so far unknown reasons, the handover and dedication of the building was postponed for an indefinite period.

Post postponed period ended in December 8, 2023.

It was handed over and dedicated here on December 8, 2023. "The penitentiary chapel of Szent Anna-rét in Normafa has been completed. The 30-square-meter, but openable, open-sided mass place, which was built with donations from the faithful, was blessed by Cardinal Péter Erdő, Archbishop of the Esztergom-Budapest Diocese, on December 8 - read the MTI news ." [3]

The "Deer-well"


From the northern edge of Szent Anna-rét, Budapest, Hungary; there is an impressively old group of trees and there; The Deer Well is one of three wells known as the "Tripledwell-rooftop".

The name Szarvaskút originates from the time of the Hungarian king Matthias the First, who wanted to build his own royal zoo here for his deer.

In the 1800s, the Buda hillside was a beautiful place for various excellent vineyards.

The XX. in the middle of the century, this place had some water as a part-time source; but today the well is not working due to the exhaustion of the spring water.





5. https://hirado.hu/belfold/cikk/2023/12/08/atadtak-az-anna-reti-kapolnat-a-normafanal



  • Hegyvidéki olvasókönyv, Nádai Studió Kft. és a Stég Kft. 2000 ISBN 963 00 3243 0
  • Dr. Eperjessy István: Eltemetett források. Budai Napló 1928. ápr. 29.

[[Category:Hegyvidék]] [[Category:Buda Hills]]