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Eldearia is a fictional world created by Mark Caza (me). It is home to more than one hundred million people and is the birthplace of the Legends. Eldearia is a little bigger than Earth and is mostly ocean aside from three major land masses. They are Eldearia (It's the same name as the planet), Ichoria, and Paradeeria. Eldearia is the largest continent and the most populated. There are certain type of beings in Eldearia known as Legends. These Legends were considered heroes and saviors. Here is a brief history and on the Legends Hundreds of thousands of years ago, strange lights appeared in the sky. There were hundreds of them. They struck all over Eldearia. These strange lights turned out to be the orbs of legend. Anybody who touched them, would become a Legend. Basically, if somebody were to touch an orb of legend, they would endure a solid five minutes of unimaginable pain, and then they'd pass out. When they awake, roughly three to four days later, their body would be stronger, more agile, their eye sight would be a lot more keener, and they would immediately posses the skill of magic