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Harrison Bergeron Harrison the son of Hazel and George Bergeron is fourteen years old and happens to be seven feet tall. His character has made the society sees him as the most advanced model that the human species has produced. We can see that his not only blessed with his height but also a accomplished mind, he also has also a strong body that compliment his character by been a ardent dancer. His seen as the last hope of the American society, his abilities make him a prime candidate to set them free for the oppressive government. The American society has abandoned the capitalist mindset that promotes completion among every one. This has led the government in taking stapes to make everyone equal in all terms. Analysis of that character His seen as a part of the American society that embraces the difference in every individual, therefore rebelling against the laws of equality that are imposed on them. His attributes that scream out been a teenager that is seven feet tall, extremely handsome, and immensely strong. The government has a hard task to enforce it law of equality to Harrison as his not a normal specimen. This is seen through the government giving him a makeover that ensures that he will not stand out from the norm. This is done through the process of making him wear enormous earphones that are used to affect his normal way of thinking. His also forced to wear spectacles that are used to hinder his perfect sight, therefore leading to him having headaches. His height is cut down though him wearing a three hundred pound metal suit ,that is comprised of a ridiculous nose and black caps that hinder the sight of his teeth. However all this measure has no weight as Harrison still as a large audience that recognize his unique attributes. His seen to have a force that is beyond the government’s control, hence allowing living as a free human being. Even his sentence to jail cannot hold him down as he makes daring escapes that make him be branded as a genius. But we can see that he has more courage that brain power that is enforced by the self confidence he displays. His escape is seen as evidence that he can accomplish anything hence his seen as the only person who can lead the society in overthrowing the government. His also seen to represent the best and forgotten attributes of the society as his romantic and artistic. He also shows his leadership skills by him organizing and instructing the musicians on how they ought to sing and play. His seen as a sexual superman that is meant for extraordinary things. What you think is the character's biggest flaw or biggest strength Harrison is a young individual and at the age of fourteen is a child that has no experience in the matters at hand. Although he has all the tributes to be a formidable leader his youth is a significant flaw as it leaves him vulnerable to the more experienced government. Experience is a terrific teacher as one learns from his mistakes but the government doesn’t allow him to leave that long to gain wisdom with age. His courage although helping him to escape from the prison it leads him into great trouble. This is seen as he gets shoot while he tries show off his dancing skills to everyone. Therefore we can see that courage led to him having a great ego that made him blind to the thought that he could be assassinated . His courage only helps him to help him rally the troupes that have a moment to let go of their equality. This is evident when he encourages his empress to take off her handicaps; this is followed by people producing music that one can dance to. So courage can be a strength and also a weakness. His physical attributes are his biggest flaws as this makes him an early candidate , his different looks makes to be taken at an early age. His seen as a prime candidate by the handicapper General and he send agents to enforce the law of equality. Also his looks makes him an easy target hence his escape from the prison does not go unnoticed by the agents . His also an easy target to the assassin that gun him down, due to the fact that his a character that you cannot miss out of the crowd. He is also seen to have romantic soul that is comprised of an artistic nature; this helps him to free the empress handicaps. He uses these skills to sweeps her off her feet through his romantic dance that is done under the music that he has directed. His seen as a great figure by the society as the describe him as a sexual superman. His unique charter is seen to be a great strength that will lead to him creating a great race of super humans. His other great strength is his handsome face that he uses to seduce his empress in joining him in the rebellion of been unique. Hence see also been very beautiful she does not see any shame as before. This is due to the personal of Harrison that does not try to comply with the norm. Conclusion Harrison comes out to be a major disappointment as his assassinated with his empress on national Television. Hence killing all the hopes of him leading Americans rebellion against the equality laws. This shows that no one is above the law and people who try to live life through their own ways will be dealt with. His death also has no effect on the general population as we can see that even his own mother cannot recall what specifically has happened. Therefore America will remain under this oppressive laws for a very long time. Also the musicians he had encouraged to display their talents go back the old ways once they see what has befallen him.

Work cited Paul Lee Thomas Reading, Learning, Teaching Kurt Vonnegut Volume 2 of Confronting the Text, Confronting the World Peter Lang, 2006 Kurt Vonnegut Welcome to the monkey house: a collection of short works Dial Press Trade paperback Delta Fiction Delta Trade Paperbacks, 1998 Susan Elizabeth Farrell Critical Companion to Kurt Vonnegut: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work Facts on File library of American literature Infobase Publishing, 2008 X. J. Kennedy, Dana Gioia Backpack literature: an introduction to fiction, poetry, and drama Pearson/Longman, 2006