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In Yoga, The Saman Hast Katichakrasana (some call it Kati Chakrasana) is also known as The Standing Spinal Twist Pose or The waist rotating pose. The Yogasana name Saman Hast Kati Chakrasana comes from Sanskrit words, 'Saman' means alike, 'Hast' means hands, 'Kati' means Waist, 'Chakra' means Wheel or circular rotation and Asana mean Yoga Pose. This standing asana assumes such Yoga Positions in which the whole vertebral column is rotated on its own axis. In the asana, the sole of the feet are well grounded and the pelvis is steadied facing forward. The rotational twist thus provided is purely of the vertebral joints.

Of all the basic Yoga Poses, it is one of the simplest Yoga Pose. It may be practiced either as a warm-up practice, as a therapeutic application or as a component of personal sadhana for all age groups and conditions. The Yoga stretches series of Tadasana, Tiryak Tadasana, and Saman Hast Kati Chakrasana is very useful for office staff, class students, computer professionals who have to sit for long stretches of time on the chair. The sequence also is useful for Yoga Sadhaka to prepare them for the practice of Mantra Japa or meditation. This asana is one of the yoga asanas of Laghu or poorn Shankh prakshalana.

How to do Saman Hast Kati Chakrasana (The Standing Spinal Twist Pose):

  • Spread a yoga mat and stand straight with the feet shoulder-width apart and arms by the sides.
  • While breathing in, raise both the arms to shoulder level so that they are in a straight line.

[caption id="attachment_576" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] saman hast kati chakrasana initial pose[/caption]

  • While breathing out twist the upper body to the right side.
  • The right hand should also move to the right side with the left hand in straight line with it and the shoulder.
  • If the body is flexible and asana is perfected, the right hand will come to the place where left hand was. The left hand will come to the place where right hand was.
  • Fix the gaze at the middle finger of the right hand.

[caption id="attachment_575" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] saman hast kati chakrasana right twist[/caption]

  • Keep the back of the neck straight. The idea should be that the top of the spine is a fixed point around which the head turns.
  • Hold the breath and stay in the final position for a few seconds, gently stretching the abdomen.
  • Become aware of the stretch of the abdomen, spinal muscles, and other stretches in the final position.
  • While breathing in, come back to the starting position.
  • Repeat on the other side to complete one round.

[caption id="attachment_574" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] saman hast kati chakrasana left side twist[/caption]

  • During the practice, the feet should be kept firmly on the ground and sideways moves should be without jerks.
  • Practice 3 to 5 rounds.



People with high blood pressure and vertigo must practice this asana slowly and with caution.

Benefits of Saman Hast Kati Chakrasana (The Standing Spinal Twist Pose):

  • Saman Hast Kati Chakrasana lubricates all the joints in the vertebral column.
  • The asana contracts and stretches selected muscles of the neck, abdominal wall and back thus allowing the flow of fresh blood in them.
  • This Yogasana stretches and relaxes various ligaments and deeper tissues in the vertebral column, relieving the stiffness in the neck, the upper back, and the lower back.
  • Saman Hast Kati Chakrasana is very effective for Stiffness and fatigue of the neck and trunk muscles which can be due to stress in them because of their overuse.
  • The alternate twisting Yoga moves are useful in respiratory ailments as the alternate compression and expansion of the chest along with synchronized breathing encourages deep inhalation and full exhalation.
  • The compressive effect of the asana on the stomach, especially after drinking plain or salted warm water, opens the pyloric valve situated between the stomach and small intestine. The contents of the stomach are pushed into the small intestine, which allows food and gases to descend further into the colon.
  • The asana alternately compresses and releases pressure on the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas, along with other abdominal organs. In this way, it stimulates the release of digestive juices, improving digestion. The combination of Tadasana, Tiryaka Tadasana, and Saman Hast Kati Chakrasana is effective for all digestive problems.
  • The same alternating compression and release of pressure on the abdominal organs remove the stagnant blood, which is squeezed out and replaced by freshly oxygenated blood thus improving the overall functioning of all the abdominal organs.
  • When performed at a moderate to high speed, this asana release pranic energy which in turn elevates the mood in people who are depressive, dull or withdrawn.
  • The Pregnant women can do this asana under the guidance of an expert yoga teacher as it allows correct breathing, removes fatigue and minor aches, and alleviates heartburn, constipation, indigestion and gas formation. So this Yogasana may be listed in the series of Yoga for pregnant women (pregnancy yoga, prenatal yoga).
saman hast kati chakrasana standing spinal twist
saman hast kati chakrasana

Because of its efficiency, ease, and use, the saman hast kari chakrasana can easily be listed into the basic yoga poses in Yoga practitioner’s daily routine and also in the asana of Yoga for beginners.[1]

  1. ^ "Saman Hast Kati Chakrasana | Technique and Benefits | spinal twist". MKV Yoga. 2018-01-28. Retrieved 2018-03-11.