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The Orgin of Doorism

The beginning of doorism started when a squid named "MnbSquidNinja" was playing with his fan Zyphalopagus in early setember 2016. Mnbs father, zappysbro, was well known for being goofy and camping, Mnb decided to make himself more than just a camper like his dad. He Decided to be a carpenter, He built many houses in many worlds and dimensions. After he realized however that Building houses took more time than he was able to afford he decided that he couldn't continue on. He decided to become obsessed with a single item. A powerful item. Something that held power that was a symbol for a better world. He decided to make Doors! At first he wasn't sure how to so he went on a long quest to understand doors with his best friend FrostedWolf[1]. After learning the many ways of the doors he started to place them in everygame and with his sidekick, Zyphalopagus's hilarious reaction others decided to join in his cause, people such as, CookieOcelot, Knight_in_Armour, A magical talking potato, A pug, and a strange thing called Blitz. eventually this merry group decided to call itself the DOOR ARMY and gained even more followers, even adding the infamous train terrors, Kydoz and FrostedWolf to the group. with the addition of the strongest pvpers in the land they started ruling and got such a large following that Mnb was starting to be praised as a God. He Was empowered by the praise and the doors and he decided to Officially become MnbDoorGod. Sadly with this new power CookieOcelot and Knight were unable to cope with it and decided to leave them and form an entire different group called the Armoured Cookies. During their absence from the group Mnb Decided that inorder for peace to occur they must nolonger just be instruments of a war and become a nation rather than an army. Some young doors, as they now called themselves, were against this and started what is now called the "Door CivilWar" the remnants of the rebals were destroyed and cut up to never open again. Soon after Mnb Decided to regain the trust of ArmouredCookie and slowly rebuilt their friend ship, eventually re-adding cookie to the cult... I mean religion and following. Doorism, the name of their religion, had quickly become a fad among young fellows of the derpy region of the internet and MnbDoorGod eventually adopted a friend named Fradrambe to be his son after murdering him several times with a flaming door permanently burning a door mark on his back, and renaming him FradDoorJesus. The Doors entered a new era of peace and YOU reader help forge its future with your everyday actions. So remember to invent new and better ways to spam doors and annoy zyph as that is what we do.