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Aerobic exercises also are known as Cardio and are a physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process. Aerobic means relating to involving or requiring free oxygen and refers to the use of oxygen to adequately meet energy demands during exercise via aerobic metabolism.


The word aerobics is made up of two Greek words: Aeros which means air and bios which means life. Aerobics is basically considered a mode of conditioning which helps our body use more oxygen and maintain a healthy heart rate. It also helps in the maintenance of blood circulation and keeps our blood pressure levels at health range. This type of exercise can be conditioned for 20- 45 minutes without being conditioned.




Aerobic exercise term and method – developed by Dr. Kenneth H. Copper (exercise psychologist) and Col. Pauline ports (physical therapist) in San Antonio air force hospital in Texas. They also published the book “Aerobics” in 1968.


After the publishing of copper’s book, the fitness instructor Jacker Sorenson developed a series of dance routines known as the aerobic dance to improve the cardiovascular fitness British .




Freestyle Aerobics - is an aerobic exercise in which a group instructor choreography several short dance combinations and teaches them to the class. Aerobic music is used throughout the class. -It includes one – two movements at a time and repeating until the whole class able to join together.


Step Aerobics – step aerobics was developed gin miller around 1989 after a knee injury. He consulted with an orthopedic doctor who recommend stepping up and down on a milk crate to strengthen the muscles supporting the knee. from this, she developed the step regime . Step aerobics is a form of aerobic exercise that uses a low elevated platform, the step, of height taller to individual needs by inserting risers. It also involves dancing games such as dance revolution or in the groove.


Sport Aerobics – In sport aerobics the performance area is 7m by 7m.


- Each competition performs a 1 minute, 45 seconds aerobic sequence with 3 compulsory exercises.


Each routine is evaluated based on 3 basic elements which are artistic, execution and difficulty.


Low impact aerobics – As the name implies low impact activities are activities with lower intensity and it reduces the amount of stress placed on the joints and bones. it is generally used for beginners to allow their bodies to get used to the physical movements itself and allow them to slowly get familiarized before moving on. - Low impact exercises are also good for the elderly, the overweight or pregnant ladies as these masses are unable to take additional stress and pressure on both the joints and bones so these are very ideal for them. - Examples – Walking - Water aerobics




Mental health – Aerobic exercises helps to reduce stress, anxiety and lowering the incidence of depression.


Heart – aerobic exercises strengthen and enlarge the heart making it easier to pump blood throughout the body and reduce the resting heart rate known as aerobic conditioning.


Energy - it also helps to improve energy, stamina, and endurance. Body composition - Aerobic exercise reduces body fat and increase lean body mass


Sleep – it improves sleep


Diabetes – reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by improving insulin resistance.


Muscles – strengthens muscles throughout the body


Lungs – strengthening the muscles involved in respiration, to facilitate the flow of air in and out of lungs.


Cancer prevention – researches clear that physically active men and women have about a 30-40 % reduction in the risk of developing colon cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer compared with the inactive individual


Obesity and weight control.


How aerobically fit can we be?


The average sedentary adult will reach a level of oxygen consumption close to 35 ml/kg/min during a maximal treadmill test (where you are asked to walk as hard you can)


The following MyPlate recommendations for physical activity given by USDA

1 Adults

18-64 years

at least 3 days per week at least 2.5 hours of moderate aerobic exercise or 1.25 Hrs of vigorous activity week
2 Children

6-17 years

at least 3 days per week at least 1 hour of moderate or vigorous activity daily
3 Children

2-5 years

play actively several times every day no specific recommendations , short bursts of active play will add up the whole day

What qualifies as aerobic exercise?


- Aerobic exercise performed at a moderate level of intensity over a long period of time, for example, running long distance at a moderate pace is an aerobic exercise but sprinting is not.it most commonly involves the leg muscles primarily or exclusively with some exceptions such as rowing to distance of 2000 meters or more is an aerobic support that exercises several major muscle groups including those of legs, abdominals, chest and arms.




According to the research, an analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials indicates that supervised aerobic exercise has large antidepressant treatment effects for patients with major depression.


- Across 11 eligible trials involving 455 adult patients (18-65 years old) with major depression as a primary disorder, supervised aerobic exercise was performed on average for 45 minutes, at moderate intensity,3 times per week and 9.2 weeks. It showed a significantly large overall antidepressant effect compared with antidepressant medication and psychological therapies.


Collectively, this study has found that supervised aerobic exercise can significantly support major depression treatment in mental health services, said lead author Dr. Ioannis D. Morres, of the University of Thessaly, in Greece.




Wood TM, Maddalozzo GF,Harter RA(2002).Sedentary older adults.Meas Physl Ed Exer Sci.Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov


Daniel Bubnis(2018).Benefits of Aerobic exercises.Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com
