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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, I am not new here; I have been a longtime member of the wiki community, dedicating much time and effort to writing and improving articles. Recently, I have noticed that biographical pages, especially those of living people, often face controversy and "edit wars" among community members. As a result, I have created an anonymous account to focus solely on editing and improving biographies without revealing my personal identity.

The editing of biographies has become a difficult and contentious task on wiki, mainly due to the following factors:

  1. Biographies of famous people sometimes contain inaccurate or unverifiable information, leading to disputes among community members.
  2. Occasionally, biographies about living individuals include private information, raising concerns about the protection of that person's privacy and becoming a source of contention.
  3. Information about living people in biographies can be influenced by hero or anti-hero sentiments; some argue that the biography should praise and elevate the subject, while others lean towards criticism and exposure.
  4. Some edits in biographies may be used to alter perspectives, promote advertisements, or politicize the issue. This makes the task of editing biographies not only challenging in terms of information accuracy but also in dealing with social and political challenges.

Despite these difficulties, editing and perfecting biographies remain essential as they help preserve and disseminate knowledge while providing an accurate and reliable historical record for the future.

For these reasons, I have decided to use an anonymous account (separate from my previous contributions) to leverage my knowledge and experience in contributing to the improvement and editing of biographies fairly, objectively, and neutrally. Anonymity helps me avoid personal constraints, respect others' opinions, and focus on providing quality, useful information for the community.