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User:Mpmermaid/Melissa Mermaid

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Who is "The Mermaid?"
Melissa Mermaid is a self-taught writer/editor principally in the fields of media, lifestyle and psychology. Her earliest foray into the entertainment field was as basic as "discovering" and booking the band ("Corky") for her high school prom (Mother Cabrini, Class of '73); eventually promoting unsigned bands at clubs throughout New York City (e.g., Limelight, Cat Club, Nirvana Club One, etc.); and producing/promoting the 2nd & 3rd Avenue Festivals on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in the late 1980s through early 1990s.

Among Melissa Mermaid's other titles in music/entertainment were Production Secretary for the 1986 MTV ZZ Top Cruise celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty; Associate Producer of "Tucci Live" on Manhattan Cable's public access TV, writing "Music Seen in NYC" for the Upper East Side Resident; and running the VIP room for Gabe Rotello's Industry Club networking parties at the Limelight.

After writing/editing text and presentations for PhDs, writers, and professors through most of the 1990s, the Mermaid segued into media by working as support staff for Inside Edition and then as an Associate Producer with (then) UPN 9 News in Secaucus, New Jersey.

Although she exhibited symptomology beforehand, the additional physical and emotional stress of working in the news industry before, during and after the terrorist attacks on 9/11/01, Melissa Mermaid was diagnosed with severe cases of the autoimmune diseases Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, forcing her into early retirement from the daily grind of the network news business (2003).

Almost 200 pounds overweight (for the fourth time in her life), Melissa Mermaid became essentially bedridden and was unable to work in a standard "9-5 style" work environment.

Documented as having lost and gained over half a ton of weight yet again being morbidly obese, Melissa Mermaid carefully researched weight loss surgery. After a 9-month fight with her medical insurer and issuing her own 369-page binder of documents supporting the decision mutually reached by her and her doctor, Melissa had a biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS--a form of weight loss surgery more drastic yet overall more successful than a gastric bypass) on 11/19/04 in New York City by [http://www.nycbariatrics.com/default Dr. Mitchell Roslin at Lenox Hill Hospital.

Within 15 months, Melissa Mermaid went from 321 to 132 pounds. Although her health was still compromised somewhat by her autoimmune diseases, she was no longer bedridden and became "the poster child for the DS" as a result for her success as a post-operative weight loss surgery patient and the amount of weight lost. With renewed vigor overall, she traveled extensively and appeared at conferences in support of weight loss surgery for the well-prepared and well-educated regarding the subject.

Utilizing the resources of Twitter, Facebook & YouTube, Melissa Mermaid presents herself as a media, news and current events enthusiast/commentator who has survived sexual molestation, thrives within an enduring and loving marriage, and lives a healthy/positive lifestyle despite continuing serious health challenges. She mentors and supports weight loss surgery patients as well as whomever seeks her advice on the many subjects in which she has become well-versed. She also raises a family of Havanese dogs nicknamed "The Fabulous Dudus," who are the subjects of a video series she is currently shooting.


  • Aspire, Perspire, Inspire.
  • Dare to dream; courage to act.
  • Everyone is normal--until you get to know them.
  • Success is yours with persistence & believing you deserve it.
  • Validation is essential to help maximize one's potential.''

Melissa Mermaid was born Melissa Suzanne Perkins on October 21, 1955 on the Upper East Side of New York City to Phyllis Connolly Perkins and Stanley Perkins. Phyllis is of Italian-Irish descent, the daughter of Pasqualina (Linda) Revellino Connolly and William Connolly. Stanley is Russian Jewish, the son of Sam Perkins and Alice Gorodetsky (Gordon) Perkins. Stanley and Phyllis divorced sometime around 1960 and Stanley ceased visitation not long thereafter, losing contact with Melissa until they reunited in 1995.

Despite her paternal Jewish heritage, Melissa was raised for the most part as an Italian Catholic and was schooled in the Catholic tradition for twelve years, eventually graduating Mother Cabrini High School in the upper Washington Heights section of New York City. During her years there, she quickly developed and vocalized her political/social consciousness as being against the Vietnam War and pro environmental preservation. She is credited in her high school yearbook as founding "Environment"--the first ecology club in the school's history.

Married briefly to Richard Grubbs of New York City (September 13, 1973 to August 1975), Melissa met Paul Schoenweiss of East Hanover, NJ on December 8, 1976 and married him June 16, 1978, giving birth to their daughter Stacey on November 7, 1979. They separated in 1983 and eventually divorced.

Melissa met financial news producer/writer Ken Martin of Brooklyn, NY on January 14, 1991, to whom she has been married since October 5, 1996.


  1. http://www.mermaidonline.net/backstory.html
  2. http://melissamermaid.newsvine.com
  3. http://tweetingmystory.com/