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Madeline Smirlies
Chocolate Mousse Pie with Chocolate Covered Strawberries made last summer 2010.



Guten Tag! My name is Madeline and I am currently completing CIS*2050 DE Course this summer. I have chosen to take this course as I found it appealed to me as an everyday technology addict. I am in no way an computer expert but I'm an avid social networker and always connected via my iPhone. If I even forget my phone at home, I feel lost and confused. But how did we ever get to this type of dependency?

Through this course, I hope to expand my knowledge on the numerous implications of computing on society. From this I hope to learn what to avoid and hopefully how to protect myself against the possible dangers. I also look forward to learning how to blog and what it takes to create a great blog that's informative and most of all entertaining.

Personal Life


I currently reside in Mississauga, Ontario surrounded by suburbs, shopping plazas, and parking lots. I have a large family and quite a few pets, so my household is always busy and hectic. I absolutely love spring and summer, and I looking forward to going for many walks, swims, and drive-ins. There is a drive-in close to my house where you can see three movies in a row on a saturday night for about $10 a person. Its a great time to get out with friends and family and catch a movie under the stars!

I am fourth year University of Guelph Undergraduate student. I am currently completing my co-op semesters with Kraft Foods for the last year. I currently work in the Product Research and Development (R&D) Department in their Snacks Division. So everyday I get to work with all their cookie and cracker products. I get to see how all the products are made and what new ones are launching. It has honestly been the best job I've had by far and can easily say the most fun. Who wouldn't want to be surrounded by cookies all day?

As a part of my job description I was in charge of taste tests so I was able to taste quite a few products. I have listed my top five favourite Canadian Kraft Products that I definitely recommend you to try if you haven't yet:

  1. David's Cocoa au Lait Marshmellow Cookies
  2. Mini Chips Ahoy! Snak Paks
  3. Triscuits Balsamic and Basil
  4. Rice Thin Crisps Sweet Mesquite BBQ
  5. Fudgee-O's

Education and Academic Career


I am fourth year Food Science Co-op student. I have completed a total of four co-op semesters and have been working the last year. I will be returning in the fall of 2011 to finish my degree. I admit it will be a tough transition going back to homework, sleepless nights, and of course... no money. But I am looking forward to completing my degree and returning to the "real world" once again. I have considered continuing my education but after working with Kraft, I feel that I want to try working in the industry first before continuing on to do my master's.



I love to do the following:

  • Read
  • Cake Decorating
  • Bake (Honestly, the best cinnamon rolls ever.)
  • Movies/ Television (My knowledge of television, movies and popculture will blow your mind)
  • Swimming
  • Badminton
  • Going for long walks around my neighbourhood



I enjoy reading as much as I can. I usually enjoy the supernatural genre as well as softie for underdog stories. I just finished reading the book The Help by Kathryn Stockett. It was a great read that captured the emotion and the experience of a black maid working in Jackson, Missippi during the time of the civil rights movement in the US. It was an excellent way of incorporating History into a entertaining storyline.

After finishing The Help, I wanted to read something that was slightly more light hearted yet inspiring. I've recently picked up the book by Tina Fey, Bossypants. The New York Times goes on to say that “Bossypants” isn’t a memoir. It’s a spiky blend of humor, introspection, critical thinking and Nora Ephron-isms for a new generation [1]. So as a big Tina Fey fan, I'm sure this book will not disappoint.



I absolutely love to bake. Since the last year I've haven't much homework, I found myself able to take more time with this hobby. I've created a "Baking Bucket-list" where I compiled a list of recipes that I have always wanted to try to make at home and from there develop my own twist or spin on them.

In the external links you will find my favourite website that I use to find recipes. All the recipes are contributed by everyday people or users of the website. And from there the recipe is tried out, reviewed, and rated. Most reviews offer solutions to problems that might occur or tips to make the recipe even better. If you want to start cooking or baking, I definetly recommend this website.


  1. ^ Janet Maslin, "Tina Fey Is Greek and Also Teutonic, but She Isn’t a Troll", The New York Times, Accessed on May 30, 2011