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User:Mustafaa/Notes on Palestinian history

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Notes on "The Palestinian People", Baruch Kimmerling & Joel Migdal, CUP: London 2003.

  • 635-7: Arab conquest
  • 661: Muawiya proclaims self caliph in Jerusalem
  • 685-705 Abd al-Malik builds Dome of the Rock
  • 705-715 al-Walid builds al-Aqsa
  • 715-717 Suleiman builds Ramleh as residence
  • 1095 al-Ghazali resides in Jerusalem, begins Ihya ulum ad-din
  • 1799 Ahmad al-Jazzar, gov.; of Acre, turns back French, gains control of most of Palestine
  • 1830 Ibrahim Pasha, Ottoman gov., gains considerable control and autonomy over area
  • 1831-40 Egyptian conquest
  • 1834 Palestine-focused revolt against Egypt
  • 1863 Ottoman municipality of Jerusalem created
  • 1892 Establishment of branches of Credit Lyonnais in Jaffa, J'lem
  • 1908 - 1st Palestinina newspaper in Jaffa, al-Karmil, w/ obj. of fighting Arab>Jewish land transfers

Palestinian delegates to ottoman parliament warn against Judaification of the country

  • 1911 - Filastin, large arabic newspaper, launched in Jaffa
  • 1919 - Arab Literary Club, Arab Club; Kamal al-Husseini appointed Grand Mufti by British
  • 1919-20 Muslim-Christian Associations countrywide formed, protest Balfour Dec'n., claim to be part of Syria
  • 1925 Palestinian Workers' Society (PAWS) established, led by Sami Taha
  • 1930 Arab Bank est'd by Abd-al-Hamid Shuman family, competes w. Barclays
  • 1931 Pan-Islamic congress in Jerusalem
  • 1932 Nat'l Congress of Arab Youth in Jaffa; Istiqlal (pro-Syrian), Palestine Arab (Husseinis), National Defense (Nashashibis), Reform (Khalidis) parties established
  • 1933 - arab agricultural bank (later > Bank of the Arab Nation)
  • 1947 - Arab Higher Committee calls on Palestinians not to leave

By Feb.-Mar. 1948, the number of displaced Palestinians had reached between 30,000 and 75,000, 2-6% of the Arab population.

Battle of Karamah (refugee camp on the East Bank) - Mar. 21, 1968. Israel sends military force into Jordan to destroy local Fatah headquarters, Palestinians (aided by Jordanian artillery) ambush Israelis, kill up to 25 soldiers in day-long fight; Israelis withdraw without having achieved their objective. Pal's lost 5 times as many fighters, but great psychological victory: 1st open Palestinian-Israeli battle since 1948.

"But the Muft failed to rally the Arabs of Palestine to support the Nazis - no organized pro-Nazi movement developed inside the country, as occurred in several other Arab lands." "Leaders such as Fakhri al-Nashashibi encouraged enlistment for British army service. About 9000 signed up directly, and another 14000 joined the Transjordanian Arab Legion, a fighting force linked to the Allied deployment." (p. 142)

In 1921, during the struggle for the mayoralty, "wall posters appeared in Jerusalem warning that the Jews sought to promote someone, presumably the Nashashibi candidate, who would accept Zionism, squelch the Palestinian movement, sell Waqf property near the Wailing Wall (al-Buraq), and cede the Haram al Sharif so that they could rebuild their Temple." (p. 89)

1919 - MCAs cluster around Faysal, who disowns his agreement with the Zionists at the 2nd General Syrian Congress (Mar. 1920). Slogan "Filastin bladna, al-Yahud klabna" emerges.

p. 78: "leading J'lem Muslims and perhaps some Christians made their 1st protest on Jun 24, 1891, sending a telegram to the Porte asking that Russian Jews be prohibited from entering or buying land in Palestine."

1887: J'lem becomes sanjak capital. "By the time the city was made ready for the visit of the German Kaiser in 1898, it had been transformed into the largest and most politically important urban region in Palestine - a far cry from the town Napoleon had bypassed, in favor of more strategic regions such as Acre, only a century before".

1834: Peasant Revolt in Syria against Muhammad Ali (or rather his son, Ibrahim Pasha, the governor) Revolt centered in Nablus, to lesser degree J'lem. Nablus - 10,000 inhabitants; J'lem, 15-20,000, dominated by Husseinis, Khalidis, villages outside it by Abu Ghush. Began May 19, 1834, when number of important families said they couldn't supply conscript quotas. Troops sent to enforce Fellaheen from sair kill 25 soldiers Hebronites overcome the town's garrison In Nablus region, Abd al-Hadis support Egypt, their Qassam rivals declare general revolt, mount attempt to capture Nablus Peasant besiege J'lem, Abu Ghush join them Nablus joins revolt May 31, Muslims open gates of J'lem. peasants attack city's non-Muslims, looting and raping, as well as city's richer Muslims June - Ibrahim Pasha retakes J'lem; Haifa besieged; Tiberias, Safad dall to rebels. In Tiberias, rebels attack non-Muslims. Broke coalition by bribing Abu Ghush July 4 - directs expedition against the Qasim-led forces of the Nablus region Burns down 16 villages July 15 -take Nablus Aug 4 - take Hebron - level city, rape women, mass killing & conscription of men, 120 adolescents furnished to soldiers 10,000 fellaheen shipped to Egypt Muslim quarter of Bethlehem (among other towns) destroyed. Pop'n disarmed.