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Pollution in California is the amount of harmful substances in California. Studies show that pollution links to cancer and birth complications. [1] In 2008 Bakersfield, California had the worst level of pollution in the nation. [2] Waters are affected by pollutants like chemicals and medical waste. Land is also polluted by garbage.

What Causes Pollution[edit]

Water pollution is cause by different things. Like Water dumping, oil spills, sewage and waste water, industrial waste, and radioactive waste. Air pollution comes from burning fossil fuels. Such as, smog, greenhouse gas emissions and acid rain Land pollution is caused by dumping garbage, and littering.

How Pollution Affects Us[edit]

There are many possible outcomes from breathing polluted air. For example, you can develop lung cancer over time by breathing polluted air because your lungs will react to the polluted air that you breath.[3]

See Also[edit]


  1. ^ Boxall, Bettina, et al. "L.A. air pollution may endanger babies, people in general." Los Angeles Times 25 June 2009: n. pag. Rpt. in Los Angeles times.
  2. ^ Web link Web link Roosevelt, Margot. "Southern California's air pollution remains high." Los Angeles Times 28 Apr. 2009: n. pag. Rpt. in Los Angeles Times. N.p.: n.p.,n.d. N. pag
  3. ^ Mcrae, Shelly. "How Does Air Pollution Affect Our Health?" eHow: n. pag. Rpt. in EHow. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. eHow. Web. 18 Oct. 2009.