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Nadarate's stickverse

this article is about a series of comics that I myself created, starting with the stickmen chapters and ending in stickmen season * episode * titled "he always comes back"

The stickverse has always existed, but one day, rainbow pumpkin and author were created, rainbow having all the powers in the stickmen world, and author simply being able to fly,

Fast forward a few hundred years, rainbow pumpkin decides to kick-start the stickverse by creating 2 distinct multiverses, the fight world, where each universe consists of a set omiunt of srickmen with individual powers fighting to the death, and the main multiverse, consisting of the afterlife, authors home and the living world NOTE: stickmen can only be sent to the afterlife if they die in the living world

After this, rainbow pumpkin tries to split himself into all of the colours that he is made of, before doing this though, he gives most of his non coloured powers to author

After rainbow pumpkin splits, the colours are made into their own stickmen, those being grey, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. After this is done, author goes to test that the powers of rainbow pumpkin where properly distributed so he creates on orb capable of giving and taking powers based on rainbow pumpkins colourless husk which turns out to be alive, now being just pumpkin, before author can notice this, the husk tries to reabsorb the colours into himself again, but author stops him, as this would be against rainbow pumpkins last wishes, author spreads the stickmen around the world, these stickmen eventually teaming up into two teams, grey blue and green, and red yellow and orange, after author was finished, he made a pencil able to create things, a picture and instructions, then split himself in two, X and TBI, X was instructed to leave and keep an eye on the fight world whist TBI was told to keep an eye on the main multiverse aswell as a few finishing touches, such as creating black, light blue, blue-green, pink, purple and the crown colours.