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User:Naomistow31/Extraterrestrial life/VishalliAlagappan Peer Review

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User:Naomistow31/Extraterrestrial life
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Extraterrestrial life

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(Compose a detailed peer review here, considering each of the key aspects listed above if it is relevant. Consider the guiding questions, and check out the examples of what feedback looks like.)

The addition to the lead skews more in that there is consensus in the theory of that life originated on Earth in extreme environments, which isn't wholly true since there are theories with significant evidence like the shallow warm waters theory. I would change the following sentence by removing the underline phrase and I think that helps remove some bias: "Hydrothermal vents, acidic hot springs, and volcanic lakes are all prime examples of life forming under difficult circumstances, and could provide parallels to the extreme environments on other planets and give hope to the possibility of extraterrestrial life." I would also make the first sentence more concise by removing the underlined phrase and adding the bolded: "Furthermore, when considering the atmospheric composition and harsh ecosystems hosted by these extraterrestrial bodies, the matter of extraterrestrial life seems more of a speculation than reality due to the harsh conditions and disparate chemical composition of the atmospheres when compared to the life-abundant Earth."

In the body, I would change the topic sentence to: "Due to the harsh conditions and disparate chemical composition of the other planets' atmospheres in comparison to the life-abundant Earth, they are deemed too extreme to harbor any life." This is basically a rephrasing that omits the "it is common knowledge" sentiment. Cut out the underlined, repetitive: "The environmental conditions on these planets can have intense UV radiation paired with extreme temperatures, lack of water, and much more that can lead to conditions that don’t seem to favor the creation or maintenance of extraterrestrial life."

Alright, I'm gonna pivot a little bit and rather than go sentence by sentence, I'm just gonna say that the first paragraph can be condensed done to a couple sentences.

The second paragraph is great. I would still try to be brief.

I would actually add some more about life in other harsh environments, you teased in the lead acidic hot springs and volcanic lakes and there is nothing about them on this section. I would also maybe talk a little bit about current parallels to other planets' environments that scientists are looking at. I found some icy lakes in the Antarctic that scientists are studying because they are similar to Europa's seas (Jupiter's moon). I found this article with a quick google search but you can try to find scientific articles that bolster your material: https://www.space.com/8959-parts-earth-similar-jupiter-moon-europa.html

Overall, great job! I would just be as concise as possible and try to add a bit more substantive examples.