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Nazza's Random page


Hello everyone, I'm Nazza97, or Nazza for short. Welcome to my page of random stuff, where I'll be putting mainly random stuff.

Personality I'm usually a friendly person and am usually happy.

I had two birds, their names were Chato pronounced Cato and Belle.

They passed away a few years ago.

Belle is the brown one and Chato is the male with orange cheeks and grey coloring.

Estimated character bios


This Section is called Estimated character bios and I'll be making up character bios for fun and some of them may seem weird or strange so don't take them too seriously. They are from games, t.v, my pets and anything else.

Mylo Steamwitz
Height: 6'
Weight: 151 pounds
Age: 32
Eye color: Deep Blue
Birthdate: May 11th 2089
Mylo Has always dreamed of owning his own business and being filthy rich, but he mainly does it so that he doesn't have to join his Uncle's Yorp herding farm because he knows that his uncle will make him pick up the enormous piles of dung they leave behind, and they are not easy to pick up since they weigh 90 pounds each. He is the type of person who comes up with hair brained ideas to get rich, but they often take a turn for the worst. Now Mylo Runs his own business called Mylo Burger due to the fact one of his hair brained schemes caused a supernova and now he's stuck with a beautiful nebula, is filthy rich and doesn't have to scrape up dung to earn 50 dollars a week.

Length:8cm (not exact)
Weight: Featherweight, get it lol soz :-S
AgeDunno probably 5yo
Eye color: Brown
Chato is a nervous bird who loves the outdoors. When he goes outside he does his signature chirp which lasts for a few seconds, Belle is his wife and chato would rather sit on the nest than in the nest.

Length:9cm (not exact)
Weight: Lightwieght
Age:3 or 2yo
Eye colorBrown
Belle is more used to people than Chato and she is a bit longer than him, she tends to kick Chato out of the nest and Chato gets annoyed at her for that, Chato is her husband and she sits on the nest and looks after he young most of the day.