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Leadership Power


In psychology we have learned about five types of leadership power.

  • Reward Power is when leaders give pay raises and promotions as a way of controlling their employees behavior.
  • Coercive Power is when leaders have a powerful control over their employees.For example by firing, withholding promotions and raises from them.
  • Legitimate Power is the rightful control of command in an organization where leaders and followers understand their role.
  • Referent Power is when employees respect their leaders and their goals for the orrganization.
  • Expert Power is when leaders are qualified to attain the group goals.


^ Schultz & Schultz, Duane (2010). Psychology and work today. New York: Prentice Hall. pp.203. ISBN 0-205-68358-4.

neffateriet (talk) 9:33,4 May 2013 (UTC)

References And Letter of Recommendation


As college students we look to references and letter of recommendation as a way to boost our opportunity for a job. But lately there are many reasons why companies dont ask for them:

  • Presented a false picture of the applicant
  • Past employers want to be find about former employees
  • Employers looking to get rid of current employees might write a glowing letter of remmendation

But today's employers don't write references or letter of recommendation.The reason why is because companies are afraid of being sued for defamation of character. So now employers are only allowed to give:

  • the date of employment
  • job title
  • final salary.


^ Schultz & Schultz, Duane (2010). Psychology and work today. New York: Prentice Hall. pp.90. ISBN 0-205-68358-4.

neffateriet (talk) 10:22,4 May 2013 (UTC)