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User:Nigerian Phenakite

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Phenakites are usually of the finest Colourless Crystals, they are especially remarkable for their rarity and preciousness. It has not been mined in Nigeria and not well documented in Africa. Phenakite in Nigeria was discovered in the year 2008. Hence the mine was named Okuta-Didan mine or shinning stone mine. Phenakite sometimes is mistaken for Diamonds because of its similar attributes.

photo by Jeffrey Hunt

The name “OKUTA-DIDAN” in Native Yoruba language meaning ‘a shining stone’ was given to the gemstone by Dare Akinniyi (a young gemstone collector and Nigerian phenakite salesman). This name was given because of its Crystal, transparency and reflectiveness that can not be compared with the attributes of other stone of the same family.In August 2009, 1 kilo of the New Find Phenakite was sent to Prof. Jeffrey Hunt of oneworldgemstone.com for photography/featuring on his website and he also got an authentic test - he has been credited with most Nigerian Phenakite stunning photo shots

Tests as follows (based on one crystal with a polished window for testing):

Polariscope: Doubly refractive; unable to get optic figure

UV: Inert to LWUV & SWUV

Refractometer: Uniaxial positive; 1.652-1.668

Birefringence: 0.016

Fracture: Vitreous, concoidal

Cleavage: None visible

SG: 2.95

Hardness: <7

All test results are consistent with PHENAKITE.

The parcel was sold at the Denver Gem show in 2009. Since then the crystals has being in the gem market and collectors/mineral dealers begun to have ardent interest in the crystals. [Nigerian Phenakite has produced the world largest carved Phenakite.

photo by Jeffrey Hunt

For a while, much has not being heard about the occurrence of the natural crystals, according to the field geologist; the crystal are getting scarce and becoming difficult to mine. Hence more hands/expertise was employed to get the best crystal out off the ground undamaged. However, in the last quarter of 2010 about 2kilos of these ‘mystery crystals’ as called by some collector was realized alongside with Quartz, goshenite (all colourless) tourmaline and a constant supply of 1-2kilos production per month can be ascertained. further info could be seen on official website