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Hello, my name is Solomon Sami Azar - I have been given many signs and connections to form the big picture-- we have been seeded upon this planet by way of spirit by the greatest entity of the universe into a life form of man and given one primary mission- to cultivate this planet to complete utopia whilst each new life is given a grand blessing of living in this form of man and an opportunity to cultivate their own skills while alive on this magical blue planet- thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven-We have been given the gift of free will thru the image of god-it is our choice to embrace the light or dark on the full spectrum of free will in order to figure out why we are here- our time here is completely of faith as a test of growth-i believe i have uncovered a symbolic discovery of unlimited clean energy of using water via nuclear fusion upon palm sunday 2007- I have been shown many signs after this date-in the beginning it was two sticks for fire- now- i propose two electrodes for unlimited clean energy- it is energy which fuels a world for comfort-life-stability-coupled with laws from the heavens we have lived our lives- we are all messengers of god if we listen-we are communicated with thru our dreams-coincidental moments-etc- you would be lucky to have one handful in which you swear to be divinely inspired in your entire life-our time is a test and we are by far left alone in order to see how we help one another- do not expect the heavens to fix mans problems- it is the heavens who watch us fix our own- we have everything upon this magical blue planet- it is our duty as man to live up to our potential- my first name means peace- my last name is the father of Abraham-father of arab and jews- it is also the name of fire in the first religion of zorasterian to this day-in the beginning is a story of brotherhood between cain and able- in this age of enlightenment we shall be called together under god and see what the brothers of Issac and Ishmael do in the middle east- it is in the interests of all human beings to support its unification-as it is the desire all nations shall be under one God- There is no question- I have been guided as a human being upon my time here- I am a messenger of GOD- -I lived my entire life with the Christ in my heart- Therefore a strong light always shined in my mind on all actions in life-that is part of the gift of free will- i lived a full life and taught to see it from a perspective of the heavens- upon the days of my scientific vindication- one in which the energy crisis is gone- i will start formal proceedings as a messenger of GOD and initiate a formal peace treaty in the name of god upon all nations- if it is conceivable to have nation leaders strike alliances between one another for peace-it is Gods will to have one complete alliance of all nations under God- the days of war have come to an end-unlimited health care for everyone without questions- I am like you-I was taught to say we are all a miracle- we are made in the image of God- therefore -let us act accordingly- we are all the same-the holy spirit is in me completely-what is in you- -utopia comes now-- http://www.noblefuse.org -TIME WILL TELL