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User:Noveljams/Conflict management

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Conflict management is the process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of conflict. The aim of conflict management is to enhance learning and group outcomes, including effectiveness or performance in an organizational setting. Properly managed conflict can improve group outcomes.

Conflict Management is a system used to handle disputes and differences between multiple parties to allow for mitigation of the negative effects of the parties circumstances. Conflict management is not seeking a resolution but rather a way to be aware of and work within the conflict for opposing parties[1]. These differences can range from geographical, traditional morals, ideologies, and more. Essentially, the concept is to manage a way to co-exist between parties that do not see eye-to-eye.[2]

International conflict management[edit]


Special consideration should be paid to conflict management between two parties from distinct cultures. In addition to the everyday sources of conflict, "misunderstandings, and from this counterproductive, pseudo conflicts, arise when members of one culture are unable to understand culturally determined differences in communication practices, traditions, and thought processing". Indeed, this has already been observed in the business research literature.

Renner (2007) recounted several episodes where managers from developed countries moved to less developed countries to resolve conflicts within the company and met with little success due to their failure to adapt to the conflict management styles of the local culture.

As an example, in Kozan's study noted above, he noted that Asian cultures are far more likely to use a harmony model of conflict management. If a party operating from a harmony model comes in conflict with a party using a more confrontational model, misunderstandings above and beyond those generated by the conflict itself will arise.

International conflict management, and the cultural issues associated with it, is one of the primary areas of research in the field at the time, as existing research is insufficient to deal with the ever-increasing contact occurring between international entities.

Baghdad, Iraq (June 28, 2004) - Ambassador L. Paul Bremer and Iraqi President Sheikh Ghazi Ajil al-Yawar shake hands

The extreme example of international or social conflict is international war. War is seemingly inseparable from human history and is an unfortunate cornerstone of that history[3]. War is often times due to management of or mismanagement of international conflict and has the grave cost of human lives. While War can quickly be fought and terminated the conclusion of the war fighting is not always so clear cut an example of such a conflict is the United States led war in Iraq 2003 - 2011[4] While many successes through conflict were declared by the United States and their allies the resolution[5] would still take years of conflict management, which in many cases is still going on today even when there is currently no occupying force on the ground in Iraq.


  1. ^ Eunson, B. (2007). Conflict management. John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved November 26, 2022, from https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.rlib.pace.edu/lib/pace/reader.action?docID=903141.
  2. ^ "ADR Times - Everything You Need to Resolve Disputes". www.adrtimes.com. Retrieved 2022-11-26.
  3. ^ Himes, Joseph S. (2008-06-01). Conflict and Conflict Management. University of Georgia Press. ISBN 978-0-8203-3270-3.
  4. ^ "The Iraq War". Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved 2022-11-27.
  5. ^ Buckley, J. C. (2004). (rep.). CONFLICT RESOLUTION IN IRAQ: A TWO-TRACK PROCESS (pp. 1–39). CARLISLE, PA: U.S. Army War College.