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Figure.1: Internet Protocol version 16 (IPv16) Datagram
Figure.2: Internet Protocol version 16 (IPv16) Classes Classification
Figure.3: Internet Protocol version 16 (IPv16) Architecture

Internet Protocol version 16 (IPv16) is an extended version of IPv4 [1] and IPv6 [2]. IPv16 introduces a new set of  IP classes [3] , IP address series, more secured data transfer [4], virtual IP address shared environment, IPv16 Datagram Format, IPv16 Classes Classification, IPv16 Architecture, Universal Wide Web (UWW) [5], and Virtual IP address. It supports current existing protocol functionalities without any interruption. Bosubabu Sambana invented IPv16 in the year 2020.

IPv16 service for allowing relates to the creation of an extended new version of Internet Protocol version 16 and its support to current technologies and future technologies too without any interruption. A New Internet Protocol version [6]  for technology up-gradation and limitless end-user connectivity and create new classes F and Class H, and Class I for extended to present classes and its performed Public, private, protected environment access with UWW [7] for at the User Level, it is performed to operate both I and H Classes for Unlimited and Infinity High Security with multicast and Virtual IP address each block connectivity for Universal users and Interstellar and Expand Universe users’ allocations[8]. This work mainly focused on IPv16 will create new technological platforms and the financial market of the entire globe due to the upgrade of new technologies and the impact of social needs to will come new technology for companies and its general financial markets and improve the global economy. IPv16 supports and gives Intelligent adopted platforms because the entire IPv16 is working based on Artificial Intelligence [9] and Blockchain technologies [10]. The significant way to identify the key access network interface requirements [11] and access configurations to provide a secure encrypted [12] effective gateway from telecommunications access multiple networks and telecommunications access components to IP networks [13] including both wired and wireless [14] [15] accesses along with Virtual IP connectivity access.

In Near Future IPv16 over IPv6 and IPv4 tunnels are widely used to connect large regional IPv16  networks because it is relatively hard to construct an International or cross-continent native relationship recommendation [16] of IPv16 network. This makes the characteristics of IPV16 of IPV16 over IPv4[4], and IPv6 [5] security tunnels [17] [18] very vital to the performance of the global IPv16 Internet operations [19].

Internet Protocol version 16 (IPv16)


Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is a version of the Internet Protocol (IP) intended to succeed IPv4, which is the protocol currently used to direct almost all Internet traffic. IPv6 stands for Internet Protocol version 6 also known as IPng  [20] (IP next generation) is the second version of the Internet Protocol to be used generally across the virtual world.

The first version was IPv4. IPng was designed to take an evolutionary step from IPv4. It was not a design goal to take a radical step away from IPv4. Functions that work in IPv4 were kept in IPng [21]. Functions that didn’t work were removed. The Internet operates by transferring data between hosts in packets that are routed across networks as specified by routing protocols [22]. These packets require an addressing scheme, such as IPv4 or IPv6, to specify their source and destination addresses. Each host, computer, or other device on the Internet requires an IP address to communicate [23] .

The growth of the Internet [24] has created a need for more addresses than are possible with IPv4. Like IPv4, IPv6 is an internet-layer protocol for packet-switched internetworking and provides end-to-end datagram transmission across multiple IP networks. While IPv4 allows 32 bits for an IP address and therefore has 232(4 294 967 296) possible addresses, IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses for an address space of 2128 (approximately 3.4×1038) addresses.

This expansion allows for many more devices and users on the internet as well as extra flexibility in allocating addresses and efficiency for routing traffic. It also eliminates the primary need for network address translation (NAT) [25], which gained widespread deployment as an effort to alleviate IPv4 address exhaustion [26] [27].

The IPv16 is to identify the key access network interface requirements and access configurations to provide a secure encrypted effective gateway from telecommunications access multiple networks and telecommunications access components to IP networks [28] , including both wired and wireless accesses and Virtual IP connectivity access. In the near future, IPv16 over IPv6 and IPv4 tunnels will be widely used to connect large regional IPv16  networks because it is relatively hard to construct an International or cross-continent native relationship recommendation for the IPv16 network communication [29] . This makes the characteristics of IPV16 of IPV16 over IPv4 and IPv6 security tunnels very vital to the performance of the global IPv16 Internet operations [30].

Main Features


A new Internet Protocol [31] version for technology up-gradation and limitless end-user connectivity and create new series of classes F and Class H, and Class I for extended to present IP classes and its performed Public, private, protected environment access with UWW [32] for at the User Level, it is performed to operate both I and H Classes for Unlimited an High Security with multicast and Virtual IP address each block [33] connectivity for Universal users and Interstellar and Expand Universe users’ allocations.

Mainly focused on IPv16 will create a new financial market for the entire globe due to the upgrade of new technologies and the impact of social needs to will come new technology useful for society with common man, tech industries create various new innovative fruits from this and its generate financial markets and improve the global economy too. The IPv16 is a new and extended version of Internet Protocol [34] , and it is a significant impact on existing and future technologies for mankind growing and expand identified universal facts and computer science fields and other areas too. This system collects the future of the IP protocol and also requires analysis. With new approaches for integrating connectionless services with traditional telecommunications services [35] and with new applications and businesses coming into use, likely, a new IP protocol , meeting all the new needs, including additional control requirements will be developed. The architectural implications of this have yet to be determined.

2 10 Address Space [36] along with the Bit Transfer rate of each transmission [37]. Net ID, Host ID are there, but Virtual Block ID and Created a virtual IP address. 1024.1024.1024.1024 [38] after the assigned task, to perform Virtual IP address [39] as per user requirements, and address is 1024 KB and this architecture [40] supports Updated and current technologies. New IP series of 1024.1024.1024.1024 - X-Xn [41], where X means 1,2,3,...n.

Intellectual Property (IP) Rights


USPTO and Indian Patent Offices issued Copyright Grants (USA - TXu 2-273-973 [42] and India - L-108397/2021 [43] ) for IPv16. IPv16 Indian Patent application filed on 30 September 2021 and published in Indian Patent Journal with Application No. 202141039287 [44]  on 10 September 2021 [45], looking for a patent grant, and also filed an International PCT application PCT/IN2022/050620 [46] on 11 July 2022 and expecting publication on or before March 2023. IPv16 Internet-Draft Information (00 and 01 versions) submitted to the Internet Research Task Force  (IRTF) [47] [48] on 18 October 2021 and 08 February 2022 respectively, which is under process for RFC [49] .


The IPv16 draft was submitted to USPTO Office in the month of August 2020. USPTO certified  on 23 July 2021 and issued copyright grant certificate TXu 2-273-973 [9] [42] with an effective date of registration  on 29 August 2021.


IPv16 draft submitted to Copyright Office Government of India on 30 March 2021 with Diary Number 7986/2021-CO/L [43] . Copyright Office Government of India issued copyright grant certificate registration number L-108397/2021 [43] with an effective date on 13 October 2021.

Indian Patent


The IPv16 draft was filed to Indian Patent Office on 30 September 2021 and published in Indian Patent Journal [44] with Application No. 202141039287 Journal  No. 37/2021 cited Page No. 41341 on 10 September 2021. FER reply report completed and waiting for Patent Grant.

PCT International


IPv16 draft filed to International PCT application No. PCT/IN2022/050620 through WIPO [50] for global rights on 6 July 2022. Date of the report of the record copy by the International Bureau on 8 July 2022, and expecting publication on or before March 2023.



IPv16 Internet-Draft Information versions 00 and 01 were submitted [51] to the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) on 18 October 2021 and 08 February 2022, respectively, which is under process for RFC.

Background of IPv16


The Internet [52] is the global system of interconnected computer networks [53] that uses the Internet Protocol suite (TCP/IP) [54] to communicate between networks and devices. It is a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless [55], and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the interlinked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web  (WWW) [56], electronic mail (e-mail) [57], telephony, and file sharing. The word internet was used as early as 1849, meaning “ interconnected or interwoven". The word Internet was used in 1974 as the shorthand form of Internetwork[58]. The Internet is in reality, a simple facilitating channel that allows many users to interconnect with many services. The Internet was used initially as a means to send an email or to communicate and transfer files. In the last few years, it has become what is best termed an electronic marketing and distribution channel. The Internet protocol suite resulted from research and development conducted by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) [59] in the late 1960s. After initiating the pioneering ARPANET [60] in 1969, DARPA started work on several other data transmission technologies.

In 1972, Robert E. Kahn [61] joined the DARPA Information Processing Technology Office, where he worked on both satellite packet networks and ground-based radio packet networks and recognized the value of being able to communicate across both. In the spring of 1973, Vinton Cerf, who helped develop the existing ARPANET Network Control Program (NCP) protocol [62], joined Kahn to work on open-architecture interconnection (OSI Reference Model) [63] to design the next protocol generation for the ARPANET [60]. In 1975, a two-network IP communications test was performed between Stanford and University College London. In November 1977, a three-network IP test was conducted between sites in the US, the UK, and Norway. Several other IP prototypes were developed at multiple research centers between 1978 and 1983. Before the January 1, 1983 "Flag Day", the Internet used NCP instead of TCP as the transport layer protocol. In 1991, the IETF [64] decided that the current version of IP, called IPv4, had outlived its design. The new version of IP, called either IPng (Next Generation) or IPv6 (version 6), was the result of a long and tumultuous process that came to a head in 1994 when the IETF gave a clear direction for IPv6.

IPv6 is designed to solve the problems of IPv4 [65]. It does so by creating a new version of the protocol which serves the function of IPv4 but without t h e same limitations of IPv4. IPv6 is not different from IPv4: what you have learned in IPv4 will be valuable when you deploy IPv6. The differences between IPv6 and IPv4 are in five major areas: addressing and routing [66] , security, network address translation, administrative workload, and support for mobile devices[67]. IPv6 also includes an important feature: a set of possible migration and transition plans from IPv4. Since 1994, over 30 IPv6 RFCs have been published. Changing IP means changing dozens of Internet protocols and conventions, ranging from how IP addresses are stored in DNS (Domain Name System) and applications to how datagrams are sent and routed over Ethernet, PPP, Token Ring, FDDI, and every other medium, to how programmers call network functions.

The IETF, though, is not so insane as to assume that everyone is going to change everything overnight. So, there are also standards and protocols, and procedures for the coexistence of IPv4 and IPv6 , Tunnelling IPv6 in IPv4, tunnelling IPv4 in IPv6, running IPv4 and IPv6 on the same system (dual-stack) for an extended period, and mixing and matching the two protocols in a variety of environments.

Internet Protocol


The Internet Protocol (IP) [68] provides for the carriage of datagrams from a source host to destination hosts, possibly passing through one or more routers and networks in the process. A datagram is a finite length packet of bits containing a header and a payload. Both hosts and routers [69]on the Internet are involved in processing IP headers. The hosts must create them and the routers must examine them to make routing decisions, and modify them as the IP packets [70] make their way from the source to the destination. TCP is a protocol designed to provide its clients at a higher layer of protocol a reliable, sequenced, flow-controlled end to end octet-stream [71] [72] . The essence of Internet facilitation and accessibility is the set of protocols available to the community to allow access by wide variety of hosts in a complex and fully distributed fashion. The protocols are at the heart of Internet success.

They are the software and system agreements that allow disparate machines and software to talk across equally disparate networks. The current protocols focus on data transactions, with some innovation allowing images and limited multimedia, namely voice and video. The future challenge will be the development of new and innovative protocols to allow both low end user access to growing while at the same time enriching the capability of the information transferred. The key underlying protocol structure that makes the Internet function is the Transport Control Protocol or Internet Protocol, TCP/IP protocol suite. This protocol allows for the easy and ready flow of data from one user to another by agreements at various levels of the network to handle, process, manage and control the underlying data packets.

Protocols such as TCP/IP [73] will be the heart of the evolution of the Internet [74]. We shall focus later on such protocols as applied to multimedia and new access methods. One can best understand the protocol evolution by looking more closely at TCP/IP [75]. The first part of the address identifies the network (NET ID) on which the host resides. The second part identifies the host (Host ID) on the given network. At the beginning of the Internet, five address classes had been defined to identify the border between Net ID and host-ID and a fixed way.

The idea of classes helps a router to decide how many bits of a given IP address identify a network number and how many bits are therefore available for host numbering in the IP classes [76]. Classes A, B, and C had been created to provide different network addresses ranges. Additionally, Class D is the range of IP multicast addresses, that is they have no topological structure. Finally, class E has been reserved for research experiments and is not used on the Internet. The usage of classes has a long tradition on the Internet and was the main reason for IP address [77] depletion which was first overcome by classless routing and NAT and finally by IPv6. The first byte (or octet) of an IP address identifies the classes, and For example, the address is a class C address are identified.

The classful method of identifying network IDs [78] based on the given IP address class is inflexible and leads to address space depletion. Class C networks are too small for most organizations but class A and B are too large. The waste of the IP address space happened by giving class B or class A address space to customers which do not need the entire space. LANs [79] were getting bigger and bigger and logical separation of an organizations network.

Internet Protocol Architecture


The IP security architecture (IPsec) [80] provides cryptographic protection for IP datagrams in IPv4 and IPv6 network packets. This protection can include confidentiality, strong integrity of the data, data authentication, and partial sequence integrity. Partial sequence integrity is also known as replay protection. Network architecture [81] is understood as the set of layers and layer protocols that constitute the communication system. Network architectures offer different ways of solving a critical issue when it comes to building a network: transfer data quickly and efficiently by the devices that make up the network.

The Internet protocol suite provides end-to-end data communication specifying how data should be packetized, addressed, transmitted [82] , routed, and received. This functionality is organized into four abstraction layers [83] , which classify all related protocols according to each protocol's scope of networking. From lowest to highest, the layers are the link layer, containing communication methods for data that remains within a single network segment (link) [84]; the internet layer [85], providing internetworking between independent networks; the transport layer, handling host-to-host communication; and the application layer, providing process-to-process data exchange for applications. The characteristic architecture  [86] of the Internet Protocol Suite is its broad division into operating scopes for the protocols that constitute its core functionality. The defining specification of the suite is RFC 1122, which broadly outlines four abstraction layers. These have stood the test of time, as the IETF has never modified this structure. As such a model of networking, the Internet Protocol Suite predates the OSI model [87] , a more comprehensive reference framework for general networking systems.

Internet Protocol version (IPv4)


Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) [88] is the fourth version of the Internet Protocol (IP) and it is the first version of the protocol to be widely deployed. Together with IPv6, it is at the core of standards-based internetworking methods of the Internet. IPv4 is still by far the most widely deployed Internet Layer protocol. It uses 32-bit addressing and allows for 4,294,967,296 unique addresses. Even though the name seems to imply that it's the fourth generation of the key Internet Protocol, version 4 of IP was the first that was widely used in modern TCP/IP [89]. IPv4, as it is sometimes called to differentiate it from the newer IPv6, is the Internet Protocol version in use on the Internet today [90], and implementation of the protocol is running on hundreds of millions of computers.

It provides the basic datagram delivery capabilities upon which all of TCP/IP [91] functions and it has proven its quality in use over more than two decades. The fifth major goal of IPv6 is VPNs, virtual private networks. The new IPSec security protocols, Encapsulating Security Protocol and Authentication header are add-ons to IPv4. IPv6 builds in and requires these protocols, which means that secure networks will be easier to build and deploy in an IPv6 world. The user wants to create unlimited IP addresses for their requirements, like 1024.1024.1024.1024 - (1 to 2 x - n) [92] . If networks are not available in the remote area, but communications are run without any delay. The Virtual IP is a node connected and verifies surrounding any network is available, then message transformation with a quantum encrypted secure channel. Unfortunately, the device was lost due to various reasons, at the same time IP address was also not used. These kinds of problems are resolved via IPv16 and millions of IP addresses to return to life. I have one IP address connected with a device. upcoming days, creating a virtual environment to IP addresses and the retrieval of entire data from their online connectivity. The same mechanism is also work to Deep Space Network Communications [93] for Interstellar galaxy Space communications [94]along with Earth communications too.

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)


Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) [95] is a version of the Internet Protocol (IP) intended to succeed IPv4, which is the protocol currently used to direct almost all Internet traffic [96]. IPv6 stands for Internet Protocol version 6, also known as IPng (IP next generation) [97] is the second version of the Internet Protocol to be used generally across the virtual world. The first version was IPv4 [98]. IPng was designed to take an evolutionary step from IPv4. It was not a design goal to take a radical step away from IPv4. Functions that work in IPv4 were kept in IPng. Functions that do not work were removed. The Internet operates by transferring data between hosts in packets that are routed across networks as specified by routing protocols [99].

These packets require an addressing scheme [100], such as IPv4 or IPv6, to specify their source and destination addresses. Each host, computer, or another device on the Internet requires an IP address to communicate. The growth of the Internet has created a need for more addresses than are possible with IPv4. Like IPv4, IPv6 is an internet layer protocol [101] for packet-switched internetworking [102] and provides end-to-end datagram transmission across multiple IP networks. While IPv4 allows 32 bits for an IP address and therefore has 232 (4294967296) possible addresses, IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses for an address space of 2128 addresses. This expansion allows for many more devices and users on the internet as well as extra flexibility in allocating addresses and efficiency for routing traffic [103]. It also eliminates the primary need for network address translation, which gained widespread deployment as an effort to alleviate IPv4 address exhaustion.

The significant working mechanism [104] is to identify the key access network interface requirements [105] and access configurations to provide a secure encrypted effective gateway from telecommunications access multiple networks and telecommunications access components to IP networks including both wired and wireless accesses along with Virtual IP [106] connectivity access. In Near Future IPv16 over IPv6 and IPv4 tunnels are widely used to connect large regional IPv16 networks, because it is relatively hard to construct an International or cross continent native relationship recommendation of IPv16 network. This makes the characteristics of IPV16 of IPV16 over IPv4, IPv6 security tunnels [107] very vital to performance of the global IPv16 Internet operations.

Limitation of IPv4 and IPv6


Since the 1980 it has been apparent that the number of available IPv4 addresses is being exhausted at a rate that was not initially anticipated in the design of the network. This was the driving factor for the introduction of class full networks, for the creation of CIDR addressing [108]. But despite these measures, the IPV4 addresses are being consumed at an alarming rate and it is estimated that 2010 would be the last year for IPV4, some sources say they may last until 2012. The primary reason for IPV4 exhaustion is huge growth in the number of internet users, mobile devices using an Internet connection, and always on devices such as ADSL modems [109] and cable modems. This brings us to the development and adoption of IPV6 as an alternate solution.

Advantages of IPv16


With such a huge address space, ISPs will have sufficient IP addresses to allocate enough addresses to every customer so that every IP device [110] has a truly unique address [111] whether it is behind a firewall or not. Network Address Translation [112] has become a very common technique to deal with the shortage of IP addresses. Unfortunately, NAT does not work very well for many Internet applications, ranging from old dependable, such as NFS and DNS [113], to newer applications such as group conferencing. NAT has also impeded business-to-businesses direct network connections, requiring baroque and elaborate address translators to make everything work reliably, scaling poorly, and offering a highly vulnerable single point of failure. One of the goals of IPv6 address space expansion [114] is to make NAT unnecessary, improving total connectivity, reliability, and flexibility.

IPv6 will re-establish transparency and end to end traffic across the Internet. The new IPv6 addresses are large and cumbersome to deal with, so IPv6 reduces [115] the number of people who have to read and write them. A second major goal of IPv6 is to reduce the total time which people have to spend configuring and managing systems [116]. An IPv6 system [117] can participate in stateless autoconfiguration, where it creates a guaranteed-unique IP address by combining its LAN MAC address [118] with a prefix provided by the network router DHCP [119] is not needed, of course, DHCP is still useful for other parameters, such as DNS servers [120], and is supported as DHCPv6 [121] where needed. IPv6 also offers a middle ground between the two extremes with protocols such as SLP (Service Location Protocol) [122] , which may make the lives of network managers easier. High bandwidth multimedia [123] and fault tolerance [124] applications are the focus of the fourth major goal of IPv6.

Multimedia applications can take advantage of multicast [125] , the transmission of a single datagram [126] to multiple receivers. Although IPv4 has some multicast capabilities [127] , these are optional, and not every router and host supports them. With IPv6, multicast is a requirement [128] . IPv6 also defines a new kind of service [129] , called anycast. Like multicast [130], anycast has groups of nodes that send and receive packets [131]. But when a packet [132] is sent to an anycast group in IPv6,it is only delivered to one of the members of the group. This new capability is especially appropriate in a fault tolerant environment [133] , web servers [134] and DNS servers [135] could all benefit from IPv6 anycast technology.

Another aspect of VPNs [136] built into IPv6 is Quality of Service [137] . IPv6 supports the same QoS features [138] as IPv4, including the DiffServ indication [139] , as well as a new 20-bit traffic flow field [140]. Although the use of this part of IPv6 is not defined, it is provided as a solid base to build QoS protocols [141] . Even Network failure or any other issues have occurred self-esteem duplicate acknowledgment sent to sender and at the same time receiver also receive the same information for end to end connectivity, in the way Intelligent self resolve mechanism to detects when the queue is processing and predict entire processing queue operations and guided supervised learning techniques and identified targeted node connectivity through Unsupervised Learning [142] techniques to resolve multiple connectivities at the same time. High investments in new IPv4 and IPv6 setups, fixes, or complex configurations for IPv4 and IPv6 (especially NATs and internal counters) should be avoided, if possible because they are investments in a technology that will slowly be phased 3 out. When you reach the point where this becomes necessary, evaluate IPv16. Whatever you invest in IPv16 is an investment in future technology.

Here the list of indicators that it may be time for you to consider or integrate IPv6 are

  • IPv4 network or NAT implementation [143] needs to be fixed or extended.
  • Connected Network are running out of address space [144].
  • Planning to prepare your connected network for applications that are based on advanced features of IPv4 and IPv6.
  • User need end-to-end security for a large number of users and you do not have the address, or user struggle with a NAT implementation [145].
  • Connected device hardware or applications reach the end of their lifecycle [146] and must be replaced. Make sure you buy products that support IPv16, even if you do not enable it right away.

The need for IPv16


As long IPv4 and IPv6 networks do what you need them to do, let them run as well as and welcome to upgrade to new protocol version too. But when an IPv4 network hits the limits for some reason, choose IPv6. IPv6 is mature enough to be used in corporate and commercial networks, as many case studies and deployments of world wide web [147]. In the way IPv16 is the upgrade of both version works and functionalities the same, security [148] provides the same with extended Intelligent Block wise interconnectivity with genesis block [149] to end - to - end-user connectivity during the packet delivery [150] , if any Third Party or Untrusted person connect within this queue, here no chance to connect at any case due to all queue are run with an encrypted module, and internally any error raised self-driven mechanism will automatically detect and resolve this issue the same on the running queue without any interrupt.

Detailed Description of IPv16


The IPv16 work based on similar environment of IPv6 and a better way to understanding of internal working mechanism through described is Figure 1, 2 and 3. In Near Future IPv16 over IPv6 and IPv4 tunnels are widely used to connect large regional IPv16 networks, because it is relatively hard to construct an International or cross-continent native relationship recommendation of IPv16 network. This makes the characteristics of IPV16 of IPV16 over IPv4,IPv6 security tunnels very vital to performance of the global IPv16 Internet operations [151]. Migrating from IPv16 and IPv4, IPv6 in an instant is possible because of the vast number of internet expansions and of their great users. Many organizations and Top class MNCs are becoming more and more dependent on the Internet on the Internet for their daily utilization and work, and they, therefore, cannot tolerate downtime for the replacement of the IP Protocol.

The upcoming days, there will not be one special day on which IPv6 and IPv6 will be turned off and IPv16 turned on because those protocols can coexist without any problems. The migration from IPv4, IPv6 to IPv16, must be implemented node by node by using auto-configuration [152] procedures to eliminate the need to configure the IPv16 host manually. In this way, users can immediately benefit from the many advantages of IPv16, while maintaining the possibilities of communicating with IPv6 and IPv4 users or peripherals [153]. Consequently, there is no reason to delay, updating from IPv6 to IPv16. IPv6 also defined a new kind of service, called anycast, like multicast, and proposed IPv16 is multicast [154] and Virtual IP with Unlimited and Infinity High Security with multicast and Virtual IP address each block connectivity. Universal users and Interstellar and Expand Universe users allocations.

When a packet sends from the sender to the receiver, during the packet transmission [155], and system predict cum calculating time delay, throughput, and error rate, automatically, then after colliding or interrupt occurred, immediately duplicate virtual address or packet received from a damaged packet, simultaneal information sends to sender and receiver [156]. In this session, Virtual IP plays a key role in this critical way.

IPv16 supports and enhances the same Quality of Service (QoS) [157] features as IPv4 and IPv6. IPv16 comprises creating a secure and new protocol version [158] for the Internet protocol system working based on Artificial Intelligence [159] and Blockchain Technologies [160].

  • IPv16 is the upgrade of both version works and functionalities the same, and security provides the same with extended Intelligent Block wise interconnectivity with genesis block to end-to-end user connectivity during the packet delivery [161] , if any Third Party or Untrusted person connect within this queue, here no chance to connect at any case due to all queue are run with an encrypted module, and internally any error raised self-driven mechanism will automatically detect and resolve this issue the same on the running queue without any interrupt.

Even if Network failure [162] or any other issues have occurred self-esteem duplicate acknowledgment sent to sender and at the same time receiver also receives the same information for end-to-end connectivity, in the way Intelligent self-resolve mechanism to detects when the queue is processing and predict entire processing queue operations and guided supervised learning [163] techniques and identified targeted node connectivity through Unsupervised Learning [164] techniques to resolve multiple connectivities at the same time.

  • In the Technology up-gradation, classes extensions, IP address extensions, create virtual IP address, and limitless connection through virtual IP address and holographic projection also performed.
  • Integrated with intelligent or self-driven network virtual assistance during safely packet delivery [165] IPv16 is mature enough to be used in corporate and business and universal [166] and space celestial object connectivity [167] through virtual IP addresses.
  • Deep Space communication [168] Connectivity along with Communicate Interstellar objects and Galaxies using Radio Signals [169] are integrated with the proposed architecture, and Virtual IP - IPv16 to expand the internal space communications very quickly with secured allocated channels.
  • Extension of WWW (World Wide Web) [170], and integrated with Virtual Holographic connectivity with Cryptographic Security end-to-end tunneling connectivity.
  • Create new class F and Class H and Class I for extended [171] to present classes and IP ADDRESS [172] are run single IP address inherited desired Sub-IP address [173].

IPv16 Datagram Format


This IPv16 Datagram [174] Figure.1 [175] represents an entire basic transfer unit connected with a packet-switched network [176]. Datagrams are typically structured in header and payload sections, and they provide a connectionless communication service [177] across a packet-switched network without any interrupts. This Figure.1 shows how to interact with every operation. Initially Versions and Header length connected to types of class and Traffic classes  [178] [179] of packet transfer of every end-to-end connectivity [180], and Flow control [181] [182] working as previous versions .

IPv16 Classifications


These IPv16 Classifications [183] Figure.2 [184] represented Current class and extension classes and integrated with Binary Bit Sequence [185] and Classes defined with First Octet Range along with default subnet Mask useful to the user level. Proposed new classes from E to I and First Octet Range from 256 to 1024 (Figure.2), here Internal loops are created until the user-required IP addresses are finished, which means the user wants to create own IP address for needed. if any PDA and Devices are lost physically but not lose IP address. The user wants to create unlimited IP addresses for their requirements, like 1024.1024.1024.1024-(1-Nx-n) [186]. For example, I have one IP address connected with One device, unfortunately, the device was lost, in the way IP address also not working. These kinds of problems are resolved by using IPv16 and save millions of IP addresses to live. In the upcoming days, we are creating a virtual environment to IP address, and the retrieval of entire data from their online connectivity.

IPv16 Architecture


This IPv16 Architecture [187] Figure.3 [188] [189] represents the Architectural Layout [190] of various modules to internal connectivity and the entire operational procedures working mechanism [191].

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  2. ^ Kim, Jeong-Su (2011-10-31). "IPv6 Migration, OSPFv3 Routing based on IPv6, and IPv4/IPv6 Dual-Stack Networks and IPv6 Network: Modeling, and Simulation". The KIPS Transactions:PartC. 18C (5): 343–360. doi:10.3745/kipstc.2011.18c.5.343. ISSN 1598-2858.
  3. ^ Robinson, P. (1992-10). "Suggestion for New Classes of IP Addresses". {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  4. ^ Clarke, Jerry A. (1992-05-01). "Remote Data Transfer (RDT): An Interprocess Data Transfer Method for Distributed Environments". Fort Belvoir, VA. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
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