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The Genesis Energy Realise the Dream event celebrates the work of students who have carried out excellent science or technological practice. [1]



Realise the Dream was formally know as the New Zealand National Science fair. It was only until a few years ago that the organisers decided to open the event up to all types of research or technological practice. The competition is now open to nominations from:



The main purpose of the Realise the Dream event is celebrate student success in the research or technological practise they have carried out. Throught attending the event the students will also have the opportunity to:

  • network with other like-minded students
  • get excited by what science has to offer
  • take a tour around science institues
  • lead and inspire other students

How to enter


You must first enter your into one of the contributing organisations (listed above). If the the organisation thinks your project is worthy, you will then go through to the nomination proccess.

The nomination must submit:

  • a one page report
  • a five minute video, summerising your research
  • supporting evidence, eg photos from a log book
  • written documentation from the Chief Judge of the nominating organization

The event


The main event is held over a week in early December. The participants stay in Weir House, situated New Zealands capital, Wellington. From here the participants travel to take place in tours, activities and workshops such as:

  • media training workshops
  • how to write press releases
  • visiting GNS science
  • a tour of the Island Bay Marine Education Centre
  • a coctail function
  • genesis engergy workshop
  • going to the cira threatre
  • spending a day at Massey University, doing various workshops
  • visiting the Weta Museum

Participants will also have a ten minute interview with the judges for judging. The students will also be flowen back up to Wellington in March for the Celebratory Awards Dinner for the presentaion of the main awards.

Prizes available


4 x Travel Awards to the Beijing Youth Science Creation Competition in 2009 (all expenses paid). Sponsored by Asia New Zealand.

2 x Travel Awards to the Taiwan International Science Fair in 2009 (all expenses paid). Sponsored by Dairy NZ and Royal Society of NZ

Teambuilding Award sponsored by Genesis Energy $500.00

Leadership Award sponsored by Genesis Energy $500.00

Genesis Energy Supreme Award For Research Excellence & Public Communication $7,000 Sponsored by Genesis Energy

Best Research Award for Yr 12/13 $4,000 sponsored by the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO

Best Research Award for Yr 9-11 $3,000 sponsored by DairyNZ

Best Research Award for Yr7/8 $2,000 sponsored by DairyNZ

Health Research & Promotion Award All expenses paid trip the London International Youth Science Festival in July 2009. sponsored by Ministry of Education Mission-On Fuelled 4 School

Research Design Award $2,000 sponsored by AgResearch

Counting on Data Award $2,000 sponsored by Statistics New Zealand

Research Implementation Award $2,000 sponsored by Department of Conservation

Our Future World Award sponsored by the Institution of Professional Engineers NZ

Future Business Award $2,000 sponsored by Industrial Research Ltd

Communication and Inspiring other Young New Zealander’s Award $2,000 Sponsored by the New Zealand South Pacific District of Kiwanis International

Environmental Focus Award $2,000 sponsored by the Alan Wilson Centre

Peter Spratt Memorial Award $2,000 sponsored by the Royal Society of New Zealand

Understanding our People Award $2,000 to be sponsored

Excellence in Analytical Testing $2,000 sponsored by Hill’s Laboratories



With the support of these sponsers, Realise the Dream has been made possibe

Priciple Sponsers


The principal sponsors of Realise the Dream are:

  • Genesis Energy
  • Royal Society of New Zealand.

Supporting Sponsers

  • Dairy NZ
  • Asia New Zealand
  • AgResearch
  • Alan Wilson Centre
  • Department of Conservation
  • Institution of Professional Engineers
  • South Pacific Kiwanis
  • Livestock Improvement
  • Ministry of Education
  • Statistics New Zealand
  • Hill’s Laboratories

