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Hello, Nuclear physics is on of the best sides of physics in general. From astro to theroratical, nuclear will provide what is needed for a growing enviroment and civilisation. Nuclear fission and fusion are the two key points to our energy demands to date. Wind power and solar will help a small town or family to power the kettel and t.v but wont forfill the demand of the whole of england. Nore the world for that matter. I may be sounding harse but the is the truth, and intill the protesters outside hinkily point realise that were not going to get that far.

Nuclear fission in itself isnt the best sorse of engergy, this is looking at the polution side. It is perfect apart from the radioactive waste it produces and the high dangers that come with the reactor its self. But we must understand that with all the precortions in place dangers anre eliminated.

Fusion is the future and as i grow up i will get further into the grasp of fusin intill im sat in my office looking at white boards full of equations trying to find that one little point what say " BINGO" theres all your energy demand solved. Intill that point i need to continue in a very easy secondary school till i get to leave and learn real science either that be at collage or a univirsity. my name is liam, people call me deaks. While i am progressing throught my very easy secondary school i will be reading and edditing wiki and its wonders of information. I live for the future of science, intill i get my PHD im going to nerd wiki out bye!!