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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I Love Wikis I am an IT Manager, and have long been a wiki champion. I am not just an avid Wikipedia user, but I have set up several wikis for work, and use a wiki at home to track all aspects of my life.

Wiki @ Home At home I use a personal wiki for phone numbers, addresses, passwords & a general log. I have a page dedicated to each family member where I track important dates in their life, presents I gave & little things they may mention. Makes me a great gift giver b/c I 'magically' remember everything. Someday, when I get Alzheimer's, my wiki will be my backup memory.

Wiki @ Work At a previous company, I setup a wiki on the moinmoin platform. Created 3 seperate wikis for "Client Services," "Programming" & "IT Infrastructure." At first, coworkers were confused & scared of the wiki, but I continued entering information until it became important to everyone. Especially, after I left and wasn't there to answer technical questions anymore.

My current company is a global corporation, and once again I forced a wiki onto my department. This time using the (corporate-approved) WikiMedia platform. Almost instantly it became the most important tool for communicating project status, tracking information about systems & data and logging events. This department was also reluctant at first, and I forced them to use it by responding to all questions with "Have you checked the wiki?"

What edits am I doing on Wikipedia? I rarely update Wikipedia, and if I do it is b/c of some rare or exotic media. I was a major contributor to creating the wiki page for the anime Bo-bobo and Australian band The_Berzerker. And ANY time I don't know what something is, I go to Wikipedia before I ask a stupid question. :P