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Dust Pirates[edit]

Dust Pirates are really little dust people who think that they are pirates. They were discovered by a covert secret operation by the CIA who claim they are just a small group of indigenous people. The truth, as relaeased by a declassified document by the freedom of information act that proves that they were a huge danger to our nations security and were stopped due to the brave efforts of our sevicemen durring the war on terrorism


They were discovered as a group that were set on gaining worlddomination by attacking people in their sleep and getting into their ear cavities and therefore having complete mind control of the host.They were discoverd by CTU special agent Eric Eckstrand who is really what the show 24_(television) is based on. He discovered them while trying to foil a plot by terrorists to plant a cherry bomb in the presidential toilet while in use, which could have led to catastrophic consequences to our leader's sense of freshness and comfort.

The Man.... The Legend..... Eric Eckstrand[edit]

Eckstrand was originally born in 1916 with the name Zander Washington in a small town in upstate South Dakota to a Baptist minister named Clarence. It was the only immaculate conception by a man ever recorded in the history of South Dakota.It was his father who taught him at a young age that despite the fact that he was born with martial arts skills which far exceed those of any mere human, he should instead become a graduate student and teach his awsome computer skillz to a CISC 101 class .However, Eric’s father was soon drafted into WWI where he was an air force ace pilot until he was shot down over the North Pole. At the age of two, young Eric single-handedly defeated the entire German Army in retaliation for his father’s death. The then was drafted by CTU after September 11, 2001 to help fight against the war on terrorism. He is covertly a secret agent by night and a grad student by day. He lives with his girlfriend and her cats...all 47 of them.

Body makeup[edit]

the dust pirate is not like any other species ever known to man. Their main form of transportation is modified machinery which has been fashioned to look like beatles. Thier military also has militarized beatles which have the capability of taking out a small village. such as the use of this equipment

Dust Pirates and how to prevent their spread[edit]

they want to take ovethe world by getting int o your ears and tellingin you what to do!!! You better be happy that Eric is around to save your ass!

Ensure a safe America by brushing your teeth every day and night and make sure that you use protection when having sex in your bed, they feed off of the heat and environment created by your bodily gyrations[edit]
When infultration occurs, the only way to rid the dust pirates of the ear is by going to eat at Gino's steak shop in Philadelphia[edit]
