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My research interests are in the intuitional science of meditation (sadhana), the accumulated knowledge that has evolved over the past 7,000 years in India (Tantra, Yoga, etc). My interests include how psychic and spiritual knowledge from other areas of the world can be correlated with Eastern concepts.

The encyclopedic media may prove to be an ideal arena to discuss psycho-spiritual concepts that are often difficult to express on spiritual or religious web sites where a NPOV has not been extensively developed. The open source construction permits anyone to add their experience and knowledge to spiritual articles that might otherwise be limited to members of a particular cult or group. Further, the NPOV espoused here substantially controls and limits flaming, religious prejudice, and moral accusations which may restrict freedom of expression.

Encyclopedic Interests: Lay out, organize, delineate, explain, and reference the practical concepts, parameters, theories, and ideology that are useful in conducting psycho-spiritual research on a scientific level. Explore unbiased views of subtle energies and different forms and levels of consciousness that may underlie and help explain natural events in any area of science, from psychology to physics.

Belief System: Through meditation (sadhana), precise, subtle spiritual and psychic thoughts can be experienced that are relevant and useful in intellectual endeavors and can effect changes in the material realm.

Assumption: Individuals who cultivate subtle conscious skills gain access to higher levels of consciousness. Those individuals who cultivate their subtle skills can advance scientific knowledge as scientific instruments of consciousness.

Research Aspirations: Develop scientific proof of the utility of concepts such as cakras, microvita (living thought forms), prana (vital energy), samskara (latent karma), and other ideas enumerated by the sages of India. These research discussions will be made available on other web hosting sites.

Cautions: In the general area of psycho-spiritual ideology, poorly supported research and imprecise, loose philosophical formulations that may not generate scientific evidence or practical utility are common-place. Religious power groups and unscrupulous commercial interests with ulterior motivations must be guarded against. The limitations of poorly supported research and imprecise, loose philosophical formulations that may not generate scientific evidence or practical utility should be explored from an unbiased POV.

Although devotional and faith issues are intimately involved in psycho-spiritual practices, effusive, poetic expressions are more appropriate in other media that specialize in literary, poetic, religious, and group-oriented spiritual formats. The encyclopedic format naturally encourages a more academic and intellectual approach. The concept of an unbiased POV forces the article writer to avoid adopting beliefs of a particular cult or group when many other people hold opposing or contradictory views.

Psycho-spiritual effects are difficult to detect or measure, and a severe level of expertise and discipline is required to work competently in this area. Competence is difficult to measure except on the intellectual level, which does not imply the subtle “consciousness skills” needed to do research. This is just as true in certain subtle disciplines, such as psychology, and in subtle skills seen in any difficult endeavor. Hence, the contribution of individuals who lack credentials is overwhelmingly important in researching and explaining spiritual ideology at the encyclopedic level. In other words, people who do not have extensive psycho-spiritual experiences will have difficulty explaining those phenomena on a purely intellectual level.