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Makande: The Tanzanian traditional food

Makande is a Tanzanian traditional food which is made up of maize and beans together with some few spices like onions, ginger etc. This traditional food is highly preferred by the people of north-east of the country (Chagga and Pare). Another food variety from maize and beans in Chagga is called Ngararum. The major two differences of these two varieties is that, Ngararum is never spiced with anything else than cooking oil; while Makande can be mixed up with some onions, carrots, green-paper and even coconut milk. Also Makande needs maize with no embryo ‘yamekobolewa’. Traditionally, Makande can be mixed with yoghurt when eating.

At times it was considered a local food only for village people but recently big hotels and restaurants also provide it at least once or twice per week.

To prepare Makande with a normal cooker not pressure cooker: 1. Prepare a desired amount of maize by washing and put them in a clean, large enough cooking pot.

2. Add water, place the pot on a cooker and seal it.

3. Leave it to boil for at least one and half hour; while preparing the dry beans. (remember the beans’ amount should not equal the maize amount, beans should be less)

4. After one and half hour, add the beans to the boiling maize and add more water.

5. Leave it to boil for three hours, remember to add water frequently.

6. Taste to know if both the maize and beans are cooked well. If no, add more water.

7. Prepare cooking oil, onions, green paper, grinded carrots, coconut milk and salt. All these ingredients are as per desired amount.

8. Add all ingredients except the coconut milk into the cooking pot and stir. Water can also be added.

9. After half an hour boiling, add the coconut milk and stir. Keep it for extra ten minutes and serve.

Note: Makande can be served as lunch or dinner.