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User:Ovedc/Israel Wiki values watch

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Israel Wiki values watch

Please look at the list:
אתרים ארכאולוגיים יהודיים בארץ ישראל


  • People around the world seek data on Israel history and Israel Arab conflict on the WWW
  • Wikipedia is one of the main data sources
  • Wiki knowledge is based on people’s information contribution
  • Some groups and people use Wikipedia as a tool against Israel by creating values with incorrect and misleading information

Israel Wiki values watch - mission

  • Develop easy “HASBARA” channel for Israel supporters who want to contribute time
  • Multiple topics and different levels of time investment - Each person can find a way to contribute
  • Each person receives access to “hot” topics updates and facts
  • Create WW Israeli “HASBARA” knowledgeable community


  • Worldwide multi lingual group of Israeli supporters
  • Ability to react fast on new value creation and existing value updating
  • Stick to facts in order to gain Wiki community respect
  • Create a new community that will be able to defend Israel and provide correct information
  • Strengthen young people ties to Israel




  • Communication
  • Database
  • Forum
  • Update


  • People
  • WW Locations
  • Recruitment
  • Retainment


  • Wiki world
  • Understanding Wikipedia workflow
  • What is allowed and what is not
  • How to follow the facts
  • Data gathering and facts

Knowledge center

  • History
  • Political
  • Conflict
  • IDF
  • Bibliography
  • economics


  • budget planning
  • Expenses monitoring

work plan


Phase 1 - Study

  • material study and ideas gathering
  • base project scoping
  • base budget planning
  • support tools definition
    • communication
    • planning
    • forum
    • databases
    • people
    • knowledge spreading

phase 2 - Planing

  • listing of work areas -
    • Wiki types
    • value areas
  • Wiki topics and values prioritization
    • where do we need to start
    • where will we have impact
  • Participants roles
    • Facts gathering
      • collecting and logging facts about values
      • filing data into database for ease of search
      • bibliography and quoting rules
    • knowledge spreading
      • methods for sharing knowledge across teams
      • central knowledge center for members
    • Value watching
      • people responsible for monitoring and updating group of values
    • value editing
    • value translating
      • once notified on an available new value version - translating it to their native language
    • New values creation
    • news team
      • periodical bulletin covering various topics heaving interest to the group members
  • identification of required personal for each phase
  • recruitment plan
    • target audience
    • what do we ask for
    • what do they need to do
    • what do they gain
    • how to join
    • what is expected
    • where activity is taking place
    • areas of support
    • how many do we need?

phase 3


30 days work plan

  • initial group recruitment
    • leading team
    • recruiting team
    • Wiki training team
  • tools set up
    • communication
    • database set up - initial for supporting the values in priority
  • Values list & priority
    • list of specific Wiki/Topic/Value to be watched according to priority plan

30 to 60 day work plan

  • groups to approach
    • university students
    • faculty team
    • teachers

60 to 90 day plan


phase 4


note pad thoughts - general points to remember

  • values related to conflict
  • calculate the investment in attack tunnels in money and show what can be done with this in education and infrastructure
  • what could happen if the Palestinians would have created a state 79 years ago and invested in education and not terror

by ovedc
