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I will not be active for 2 weeks (May 16-30). Also I want to reminder you that I will stop using Wikipedia in a few years (well I don’t have to worry about that now). If you have any questions, please send them to User:Amer dondsg.



Hi, I am Pakaxe (well my username is). I manly edit mistakes on articles and report violations on pages. I am a novice since I just joined a few weeks ago. I just want to introduce myself to all of you. -Pakaxe

About me (Wikipedia)


Like I said, I usually just edit mistakes and report violations. I made about 3 edits and I have no published pages. I am not a expert so I may make mistakes while editing a article. I am just starter. Okay, I think you already know this.



“Status” is a area where I post my edits, drafts, articles, and my level.

Number of edits: 3

Number of articles (drafts): 0

Number or articles (published): 0

My level: Novice Levels: Novice: (1-20 edits), Basic: (20-45 edits), Helper: (45-60 edits 1 article), Mature: (60-180 edits 2-5 articles, Professional: (180-600 edits 5-20 articles). (This data is my thinking and please don’t take these roles seriously)

I will update the data everyday.



“Articles” is a area where I find helpful a wiki articles that can help beginners. The articles are linked below ⬇️.

Help:Getting started, is a article about how to get started editing Wikipedia. Help:Contents, contains different small articles about using and editing articles. Help:Editing, is a article about editing. Help:Edit summary, is a article about finishing your edits. Help:Reverting, is a article about undoing or deleting a edit.

(My descriptions may be wrong, again this is my thinking)

You can find more helpful articles by typing (help:), there are articles about using Wikipedia.



I won’t be publishing any articles soon. If I do publish one, I will linke them below here ⬇️. More information below.

Extra information


“Extra information” is a area where I give second hand info (exp. user friends).



”Accounts” is where I link my other accounts here.

User:Amer dondsg.



I support Wikipedia.

Its a great area where you can find descriptions of nearly anything.

Nonogram of wiki (w’

This is a small token of appreciation.

I hope you like it.


User friends


“User friends” is where I link wiki user that helped my learn how to use Wikipedia

User:CAT edits wiki


Talk pages


“Talk pages is the area where you can send questions or comments. Go to talk:Pakaxe or click the “talk” button.



Thank you all for spending the time with me!