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About the Page of Pangamini[edit]

This page is where I post my some thoughts on various things with facts to back it up.

About Steven[edit]

Under Construction

Video Games[edit]

Video games have been an important part of my life for a long long time, been waiting to write this section for a while, anyway, lets get started on this topic.

The Half Life Series[edit]

The Half Life Series is probably one of my favourite game series of all time, I played the first Half Life(Released in 1998)A few years ago and completed in one sitting, Then in 2004 Half Life 2 came out, sparking my interest in the series again, I liked Half LIfe 2 as much as I liked the first one, then as episode 1 and 2 came out, I played those, Episode 2 remains to be my favourite Half Life game to this day.

Call of Duty vs Battlefield[edit]

Ohh, Call of Duty vs Battlefield, this is going to be a fun article to write, now before I move forward with this section, I will let you know I am an avid player of BOTH games, I think they are both great games and they both have reasons to be liked or disliked, so, lets start off this comparison with Battlefield 3, Battlefield 3 is a great game in my personal oppinion, one of my favourite things about the game is the very large scale warfare that happens within it, up to 64 players(On the PC version anyway)in one game. another great thing about Battlefield 3 is the size of the maps, within Battlefield 3 the maps are HUGE, getting accross them can take quite a bit of time provided you don't have a vehicle, which brings me right to my next topic, vehicles, I think vehicles are probably one of the selling points and best parts of Battlefield 3, the very different combination of vechicles includes, helicopters, jets, mobile AA, artillery trucks and much more, you can have alot of fun if you have a good gunner and a good pilot in a helicopter. So to summarize I think Battlefield 3 is a great game for the, large Maps, vehicles,large scale warfare, and the fun you can have well working together with other people. Now onto Call of Duty Black ops II, One of the things I like about call of duty is the small maps, and you might be saying, but didn't you just say you liked the large maps in Battlefield 3, yes I did, but I also like fast pace action of CoD, another thing about Black Ops II that I really liked was the campaign, generally the campaign's in CoD game have been horrible, but this time Treyarch really stepped up and delivered a good campaign, CoD is a good game if you just want to have some quick fun or don't want to deal with the challenge of Battlefield for a little bit, all in all, Black Ops II is probably might favourite CoD game at this time, but who knows what will happen with the next game now that Modern Warfare is done, so there you have it, CoD vs Battlefield.

The United States[edit]

I'm Canadian, and personally I think, America has alot of issues, not that Canada has none.!
Now i'm going to provide some facts to back that up, even though we all know its true.


Canada Vs America Statistics
Item Canada U.S.A My opinion on it
Total Area km² 9,984,670 km2 9,826,675 km2 We got more room .
Population 34,966,000 314,686,000 We are less crowded, Which means less crime
Population Density km² 4 34 Again, less crowded, less crime.
Prison Population 17,904 2,266,832 Need I say much here?
GDP(USD) $1,300,000,000,000 $15,000,000,000,000 Yes you have more money but, Look how much debt your in -_-
External Debt(USD) $1,181,000,000,000 $14,710,000,000,000 Yeah........
Military Expenditure(USD) $23,082,000,000 $1,546,529,200,000 Seriously, Spend some money on something else.

The Media[edit]

Now the media is quite interesting in the United States. I'm mostly pointing my finger at fox news though I mean I find it incredibly stupid that they can lie all they want to the population of the (as much as I hate to say it) most powerful country in the world. Also, the way they talk about other countries in particular, Canada. Well here let me just link you to a video by the young turks "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9tf0-BIyU0". I mean its just sad, The way they talk about other countries is just not right. As well as the way they lie to their own population, the people deserve to know the truth, and we all know this. But most of the population gets pulled in to believing this crap, now I say most because there is a small part of the population that is great, my friend Yukon is American but he is an awesome person who realizes how messed up the country is.

Politics & The Military[edit]

Politics, Politics have always been an interesting thing around the world, generally I find that Canadian politics are a lot less stupid then American politics, but unfortunately, all countries have some horrible politicians, America though, even worse than every where else.


In America right as we speak, some pretty privacy invading bills such as CISPA(Cyber Intelligence Sharing And Protection Act)Heres a link to the wikipedia article talking about this bill "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyber_Intelligence_Sharing_and_Protection_Act", Anyway to summarize, this bill is to basicly help the Telephone companys in America become immune to being in legal trouble for warrantless tapping of people's phone's, which will allow the governments to get info on anyones personal life without a warrant or any legit reason.

Over the years we have had alot of bills in terms of digital privacy, SOPA(Stop Online Piracy Act) Was one that was pretty big a while ago as well.

The Military[edit]

Im going to be perfectly honest, the military of the United States is one of the main things that bugs me when it comes to America, and i'm pretty sure it bugs alot of other people too, more to come on this topic soon.